

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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My Kadabra just used Future Sight, and it looks like we've got a future together.

nico oppa
psst i looked into our future and it involves me pushing you into the merlion's mouth
Liked by: nico oppa

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happy birthday! how much porn did you get! hahahahaha

thank you! none so far. would you like to change that? :D

do you still love me even though i'm iguanaless ;;

once upon a time you were an iguana and the memory of it is enough ❤

aw dude fuck that anon that was rude as hell, you're super cute okay!!

anon speaks the truth i am often annoying ;;

is it bad that i can't tell apart the different members of bts u__u

but they look different! it's okay anon, in time you will learn, and if you don't, then you don't like them enough for them to be worth your time.

how's taiwan! how's life without exo?

taiwan is great :D i am functioning better without exo than expected hahahaha. except my days are punctuated with sharp moments of missing kim jongin.

just wanna say that thulian and heliotrope kinda complete my life <3

did you mistake me for lababoreine? because i'm madelyn93! and yessss pink hair girl!hun completes me too.


Language: English