

Ask @cuddleordie

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Do u hav valentine? Wil u be myne? ;) <3

~i totally got a valentine~ is that insane or what but you can be a valentine too ok

Ask what the other bird would say. I'm not the person who asked the question, I just thought you should know because I'm pretty sure that's how the afterlife actually works.

i am very ready for the afterlife

Do you ever read postsecret?

i actually feel kind of annoyed by postsecret. i read it a lot a few years ago but i'm not sure it's a good idea idk

There are two doors and two birds. One door leads to heaven and the other to hell. One bird is good and ALWAYS tells the truth, the other is EVIL and ALWAYS lies. You get to ask ONE question to ONE bird. What do you ask?

this is too hardcore damn i'd probably just ask the evil bird if i was pretty and then take my chances on the doors
Liked by: becky

honest question, i am just curious: can you explain 'safe' foods vs. not safe foods? wondering how pizza could elicit fear. not judging you, was just wondering

pizza feels like a thing that would make me instantly gain twenty pounds. even though i know that that couldn't logically be true i am scared. fats and starches seem scariest to me. safe foods are the foods that don't make me have these kinds of anxieties but i know i can't live on safe foods alone

I don't know. I've never had the pleasure.

i just meant that i am a very shy and passive person so i don't think i could be perceived as dominant

hi i wish i had some pizza what are your thoughts regarding pizzas thx

pizza is really good but i am usually pretty scared to eat it, getting better, it's a good food, i hope you get some pizza

can you think of anything you'd like to be doing tonight that'd cheer you up?

i think i'd feel better if i had done Anything but i stayed in my apartment trying to do work and not doing work all day
Liked by: Sarah

You're significantly more attractive in person than you are in photos, and you're reeeally cute in your pictures. Just sayin'

damn, thank you. i feel scared that the opposite is the case. cool

Yo, if you could ask your cat one question and get an honest answer from it, what would that question be?

unfortunately i don't have a cat... very sad about this...

i want to have sex with you after we both spend ~1 week not showering is that weird

that's not weird, seems like something i would do or have done, cool thanks

how is/was your weekend? do weekends matter to you, or do you have to work & stuff? i hope this letter finds you well, good day to you

it was good, i socialized and that seems like a big deal. i have school work i still really need to do though. thanks for asking, i hope yours was good too


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