

Ask @damonlambert

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help me get this purson from herassing me because i have a right proble pleas help

is this person harassing or is it her ass is just to big (herassing)

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You happy about america being fully lgbt supported

No I'm not, I fully support the lgbt group but all the media about how the lawyers and Obama did something is a fucking disgrace, if we have to fight for equality then are we not just living in a dictatorship. We are being forced to be single or marry the other sex yet we can understand that if we want equality we have to accept everyone and maybe equality doesn't mean equal for all, maybe it means equal to the majority which I find disgraceful too. But I'll cut this rant short by saying . Obama shouldn't get jack shit credit for this. The lgbt should be getting the most gratitude respect for fighting for what's equal to them and to let them live like everyone else . have a good night<3
Liked by: J Faith Claire

What do you think should be done to people who create SPAM on the Internet?

death by spam ( the meat ) #original


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