
Danny Suyandi

Pernah ngerasain di backstabbing sama orang yang lo anggap temen dan lo percaya gak? Gimana rasanya dan gimana cara lo ngehandlenya?

kamu ledakkin balon aja di depan dia, trus bilang gini deh.....

Latest answers from Danny Suyandi

Hey, there! Datang ya ke @alteration_project, this Saturday at Kanawa Coffee & Munch, Senopati. Starts at 12pm till 8pm! Anyway, what's your favourite fashion job or which fashion icon do u like the most? Let us know and see u at Alteration! 💕

Hi Ele!
I wish I could come, tapi masih harus dirumah karna ada beberapa kerjaan yang gak bisa ditinggal :(
But i wish tons of luck for you and team ❤️❤️❤️
Speaking of my favorite job in fashion industry, it would be accessories designer (as in footwear, bags, and milinery). And one thing people should take note, accessories designer tidak termasuk didalamnya jewelry. Karna jewelry designer ya jewelry designer, beda dengan accessories designer. cmiiw
Anyway, here's for you, the latest collection of Nicholas Kirkwood, his 10th anniversary collection, dari Pacman sampe Starwars pun ada 😍

Who makes you laugh?

The question isn't who but what.
Here you go, a scholarship made by porn website.
Spread it to someone who might needed ;)
Lumayan $25,000 loh.

Hai.. cuma ngasih tau aja kalo mau naik gojek untuk dapet free Rp50.000 pertama kalinya, pakai code ini aja ya 542867093. Trimakasihh :D

Disaat yang lain punya credit 1juta, aku malah minus :(

Harapan di bulan agustus + pap

udah telat tapi gak apa ya.
Harapannya: need to work hard.
source: path temen

Language: English