

Ask @dayan1105

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Lol no seriously sorry for that I knowww some of my questions are soooo stupid & useless, but I overthink a lot, you know 😂

Its okkkay i know how u feel wallah i wish i had someone to ask them doose questions :p ur questions are normall for real dont be sorry com'on

Ok then I will go with the short questions as a chilling startup for the convo then I see how she feels and if she's fine with talking then I will keep going, if I feel she's not then I will end it soon and tell her see you. I will just see how it goes at that moment. Sure I can ask her to walk??

Yeaaa !
Liked by: strange man

Lmao thanks 😂 Because if I walk with her again next time I will be a glue stick right? I should just talk for 5 min then say bye? and what if she said she has to go & we were going on the same way but I don't want her to feel I am sticky?

Well see u will go the same way so if u talked before leavig class u guys can walk and talk its okkay but if u guys didnt talk or there wasnt a chance then i think u will talk on ur way maybe or u wont just ask short questions like kefek ? Good ? Always be .. See u or u can just be like without any conv do u wana walk with me till we reach our classes and go seperate ways ?
Liked by: strange man

I will try to sit there most of the times because usually when we sit in groups, I am in a different group than hers & her group sit in the place where I was sitting, so it depends. So I just talk to her normally next time? but not for long?& I should just say bye before going on a walk like today?

Yep all what u said should be done .. Man u learn fast hahahah 😂👌🏻b'3avo
Liked by: strange man

Yeah and this is the thing. I want to make sure if she's totally fine with it & not annoyed. And are you sure? not next week? and should I just say hi how are you next time on Tuesday and not talk?

No say hi normally and keep sitting where u sat today that is good since she started today , and yea u can wait its ok
Liked by: strange man

Hahahaha why did you get so excited? 😂 and honestly how do you see it going?

I love it when two ppl get along and if one of them is interested and the other person is okkay with it u know 😍 that is really good i think u guys clicked :p like u can ask her next time for any social media btw
Liked by: strange man

then I asked her about the place she lives in and her friends in uni and school, then we split between the 2 buildings and said cya next time and that's it. What do you think so far?

Liked by: strange man

if I want anything, I told her thanks & asked where she's heading to & she told me to the library and my building was next to that so we said ok let's walk to there together & split in the middle. I asked her about the weekend & stuff and where's she from originally & bla bla then....

Thats good
Liked by: strange man

She said hii keefak? I told her gd wbu? then I asked her about the hw and if she finished it, then we went out of the class and I asked how she is now because last time she told me she had flu, then she asked how I did in my exam last Thursday and then she told me that she'll go & if I want.....

Yeaaa ? Yeaaaaaah ? I think this is a huge ass progress 😍😍😍😍👌🏻
Liked by: strange man

First of all when I entered the class there were few people who came, so I decided to sit at the back 2 seats before the seat she always sits on. Then she came 5 min late after the lecture started and she sat on it. After the lecture when I was standing up from my seat and about to walk, she said...

She said what 😍
Liked by: strange man


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