
Kaleb Daynes

Ask @dayneskaleb

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Tell me how to be happy ? Give me your opinion ✨?

Do something that makes you happy. Ignore negativity. Surround yourself with people who make you feel good and cut off toxic people

How old is your oldest piece of clothes?

It's a t-shirt and it's around 9-10 years old (it was a hand-me down from my older cousin and I only grew into it a couple years back)

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?✌

Nah, I'd much rather have a lifetime supply of candy bars than a person. ;)

What genre of video games do you play? I play action, adventure, racing, & rpgs.

I'm not really big on video games haha. I did always enjoy The Sims though

What is the first video YouTube suggests you to watch today?

Something regarding the James Charles scandal everyone's freaking out about. To be honest, I haven't even paid any attention to it because I never really watched him to begin with.

Do you know what falling in love feel like?

No. There have been times where I thought I did, but it wasn't true love. Maybe someday though. :)

You seem to be pretty passionate about music, as a lot of your answers relate to it.

Absolutely. Music is a huge part of my life, always has been. Plus, there is such a wide variety of music that unfortunately not a lot of people ever hear because they never open themselves up to it. They listen to the same thing primarily and, while there's nothing with that, they miss out on a lot of beautiful, diverse music and that makes me sad.

What does friendship mean to you? What should your friend be like? Do you have a lot of friends? What could be your reasons for discontinuing friendship with a person?

Friendship is very important to me. I think a friend should be someone who I not only get along with, but also enjoy their company and can confide in through good times and bad times. Someone who I know has my back and will stay by me. As far as ending a friendship, I'm usually pretty forgiving, but if you lie, cheat, manipulate or otherwise stab me in the back, our friendship is as good as gone.

You said most pop artists are toxic... what about Twenty One Pilots?

You're right, I forgot about them haha. Like Panic! and Post Malone, they're exeptions to the rule, and I actually like a lot of their stuff. :)

Do you believe in past lives? If so, what kind of person do you think you were?

Ya know, I've never thought about that. I'd hope I was a good person.

How would you describe your time in school in 3 words?

Hell, prison, purgatory (or at least, that's how I'd describe most of high school)

Something you really miss nowadays ?

When pop music as a whole wasn't so awful. So many pop artists nowadays are toxic. For example:
-Taylor Swift goes through boys like toilet paper and writes songs playing the victim
- Chris Brown abused Rihanna and destroyed the GMA set
- Cardi B. literally DRUGGED AND ROBBED MEN, claiming she "had to survive" (bullshit) and belittled her makeup artist to tears
- Justin Bieber is a disrespectful asshole to fans and went on an ego trip regarding Anne Frank
God, the only artists in pop that I can think of that aren't toxic are Post Malone and Panic! At The Disco.


Language: English