
Adeline DeClercq

Ask @declercq11

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Do you introduce someone your interested in or are dating to your parents? Do you care if your parents like them?

Of course, if my mum & pa don't like you don't expect to stick around long 👨👩👧

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Go to your camera roll, close your eyes and scroll through. Post the pic that your finger lands when you stop scrolling and open your eyes. No cheating!!!!

I literally don't even have enough to make a scroll 😂 #lowstoragelife
Liked by: Naomi✌️

I should've been given more than a mcdouble for that don't you think?

I don't know what to think there buddy😅🙄

TBH; ugh I hate giving these to you because I always have so much to say. You're freaking beautiful, kind,compassionate, skillful, and smart. I'm so glad you go to this school because you make my day perfect❤️😁😊

Lost for words☺️☺️


Language: English