
Adeline DeClercq

Ask @declercq11

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Pros and cons of being in a relationship with you

-I love giving back massages🙌🏻
-I never say no to naps
-I'm pretty easy to impress
-I'll pay for my own things😇
-I'll cook/bake annnything
-my dogs will love you more than me
-Momma Carol is the biggest cock blocker 😂😂❤️.
-need all your attention when together
-I hoard all the blankets
-my bff will know e v e r y t h I n g
-I over think/analyze
-always cold
Liked by: Sydney Cochlan

Favorite song ATM

If you want to have your heart strings pulled and then ripped in half kodaline/high hopes, will do that for ya😇

What's the worst things about being a diabetic?

Ohh boy here we go..
-people pitying you
-people saying I can't eat sugar, I HAVE TO HAVE SUGAR TO BALANCE MY INSULIN
-not knowing the difference between type 1 & 2
-every health issue relates back to diabetes somehow
-people stare when you have to do needles/poke
-super expensive & government won't cover it
-long term health effects (blindness, organ failure, nerve damage)
-it never ever goes away
-have to think about everything & how it will effect you
-have to watch and carb count what I eat
-sick 24/7
-my feet go ice cold due to nerve damage
-no circulation due to diabetes
-99% be the cause of my death
I literally could go on.
Liked by: soph Lexi ❥Bri❥

What do you mean keeps you alive?

It's a little monitor that constantly gives me insulin & added insulin when I tell it too. Without it I don't get insulin & that creates a deadly problem

What was the last thing you cried about?

Lol my $7200 machine to keep me alive just broke so that's setting off the water works😭🔫

Is anyone else a little taken aback by Dargus? I mean he's pretty hateful all of a sudden and people could be offended by some of his answers

It's against notley dude..if you don't hate against our government you're fucked


Language: English