

Latest answers from Brandon

how do you feel about the requirements and restrictions for beatmaps to be ranked?

Lately it doesn't seem like there are any requirements or restrictions.

What's the most overrated tourist attraction?

Anything in America except for memorials and museums.

What Does Ar7 8 9 10 etc ... mean ?

Approach rate #; how fast the approach circles move. OD (Overall difficulty) can affect how the circles appear as well. AR / OD can be difficult at certain BPM; such as 300 BPM AR9 OD7, a lot more notes appear on screen compared to 180BPM AR9 OD7 resulting in note locking. So a method to learning high AR is to play high BPM with high AR. The notes are easier to read than low BPM high AR. However if you want to train your aim then doing the opposite, playing low AR high BPM, will help.
Try messing with maps in the editor and you will see what I'm talking about. My advice is to try not to become dependent on specific AR and instead go by the sounds to determine your hits. If you're struggling aiming think why you're missing the notes and if you're moving too slow or too quickly. If you can understand what each note is timed to then it really helps with consistency.
... I feel I give too much information some times.

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What's the best way to toggle my local offset? I've used the offset wizard along with peppys offset map and after a few tries it still feels "off"

You got universal offset and local offset mixed up.
Universal offset is in your options. I would recommend 0 since there is no reliable reference to offset with.
Local offset is dealt with while you play (you press +/- to change it). You can go into the editor and use the timing section; record it with audacity and you can measure precisely what the local offset should be.

what beatmaps would you recommend to someone who is just starting to practice ar 10.3?

Search: AR=9 BPM<=*insert comfortable BPM to play with DT*
Spam whatever maps that come up. You'll get the hang of it. It's good to try a variety of maps instead of grinding a couple.
I personally spammed high BPM ar8+DT a lot then I played a lot of high BPM hard rock. After a while I just slapped DT onto AR9 just to see if I could follow it and I could. I'm still improving at it very slowly, soon I feel I can FC 220bpm ar10.3 maps (there's not many lower than 220bpm). So speaking of that, as a side note be sure to learn how to stream up to 220bpm at least before you try to deal with ar10.3; you will have access to a lot more maps to practice if you can do it. If you can stream at 230 or 240 that makes it even better.

which do you prefer? stupid streams, or stupid jumps?

Stupid streams; they're more fun to pull off than jumps. Jumps seem to be one of the easier things in osu!

Was is the best way to git gud at osu?

Fix any problems with your PC which prevent you from playing correctly,
Correct your posture/technique/settings if there are any problems or pain,
Learn to listen to the music to sync with the beats,
Practice using only your fingers to single tap (both of them),
Play a variety of maps not just the ones you like,
Learn your mistakes and how to correct them.
Monitor and maintain full control over your muscles so you don't tense up.
Take breaks every often so you don't hurt yourself (short 10 minute ones or as long as a week) the rest can help you forget bad habits sometimes or ease muscle tension.
Do what everyone else does:
Keep playing.

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