
Ryder Twist

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Latest answers from Ryder Twist

What made you smile today? P.S. Don't say nothing, you don't have to wait for anything to make you smile! ?

my boyfriend made me smile

Hey Lily, um I really like you a lot, I know it might seem weird, since I bullied you at school but I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend

peytonhemmings’s Profile PhotoPeyton Hemmings
the thing is Peyton I really like you too. So okay I'll be your girlfriend

Why don’t you want to live anymore? Suicide isn’t the answer.

I know it isn't the answer. I'm getting help

What is something that has changed you so much ?

Being ignored by a lot of people. It made me really depressed that the people who always answered me barely talked to me


I don't know why I even try to talk to my siblings. Only one will actually talk to me but the rest won't. I guess they love ignoring me

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