

Ask @dyoahae

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Put your music on shuffle, what are the first 3 songs that come on?

often - the weeknd kygo remix, spit it out - f(x), divinity - porter robinson

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Can you recommend some good places to eat in pasadena or near san gabriel? Thank you!

oh hm im actually not around pasadena all that much but when im there i like urth cafe, lemonade, tender greens, umami burger...just stops near old town esp. since im usually there for shopping... pasadena tlist if yall have any recs pls share haha.
as for san gabriel theres just a lot of chinese food haha.. um im usually there with family so here are a few spots i enjoy..boston lobster, kim ky noodle (super hole in the wall chiu chow noodles) for boba my standard fav has been factory tea bar for a long time...if youre in to salty savory side dishes and porridge i love the franchise lu's garden.
i feel quite out of datw with my recommendations haha so i hope these places appeal somehow

toes or kyungsoo

escume it's toews!!!!!!!
what kind of question is THis!!~!!!!
tbh idk man i think they've reached some kind of equilibrium.......I CANT dont make me choose D8

Is your Tumblr store still open/ are you still selling items there?

yes it is still open! but i have not had the time to fully update the stock, what i have left are ncp photobook set and the mlgc photobook (peeking) set, and the dream over dvd. all calendars on my linked list are still available!!

Damn how I wish I bought that fan art book.

I think I was half asleep when I first tried to answer this ask but..ya lol ... ya

How often do you buy things via the Internet?

in spurts i think its like once a month or hauls and then i stop for a while and haul again. but also with amazon prime i get all my necessities from the internet too

What sides would you have with your chicken?

picked radish! mash potatoes? ...honey biscuit....but for gui fei ji i just need that ginger/onion sauce and rice HAHA

How do you like your chicken?

this sounds like it should b a question for jongin, or from carolyn LOL
i like gui fei ji (which i think is steamed? roasted? yellow skin chicken served with like garlic/scallions oil)...either that or it has to be rly crispy, or soy skin from koko's

favorite places to shop for clothing?

I'm actually not that big on fashion!! though I like appreciating various styles, I always put purchasing and crafting my own style on the back burner merps (i think it has to do with having weak body image/self esteem lol). but i get my clothes from a variety of places... UO, f21, h&m , sometimes aa, and random online stores (tobi, asos). nothing super special, honestly my game plan for clothes shopping is: oh there's an event? lemme shop the day before for a brand new outfit lol.

I've always associated you and runningwy together because when people talk to you, I usually see runningwy too LOL You guys are like some kind of duo in my mind. How long have you known each other?

ohgee um @runningwy how long hahaha. i think we knew of e/o and ran in kinda the same circles since elem. or middle school (so 10+yrs?) but we were only acquaintances up until the near end of hs when we had this torturous 6am class together...ah...man memories... waking up and being at school when it's still dark out. I think now she's one of the only people i still keep in touch with after graduation

How did you meet each person from your tlist?

(pt 2) tho i just wanted to mention, the listed above r just the homies i think that i either have an irl connection to or are the most active with on twitter. shoutout to homies on twitter that go way back, a bunch of people I also met through working for sfi before, galaexo, running g/o etc bc forums were primarily the way i participated in fandom before.

How did you meet each person from your tlist?

each!?person!?..okay no promises but i'll try!!! (idk how to do this like either chronologically or ...?) but shoutout to everyone on tlist even if you're not on this list specifically if u can stick with me thru my fickle periods of deactivating for months and coming back etcetc
well first me and carolyn go way back @runningwy like wayyyyyyy back, true soul sista!!!
met ayisse @tearsairport joie @allegorein at the airport during smtown '12 (we kinda had a mutual on twitter) then again the day(s) after during the vip concert rehearsal, which idk if they remember but they hella saved my ass that day! we kept in touch over twitter afterwards and clicked etcetc
met @taottoos at this exo meetup thing we did with a lot of other tlist, where we found out we were actually a part of the same fan comm like yrs before (soompi) also im gonna b embarrassing but when i found that out i felt so starstruck for some reason LOL NIKKI WILL DO THAT TO U TRUST.
at the meetup also met up with tracy, ali, krystal, penny, amy (am i forgetting anyone) tracy @kaihanbitches and ali @shixunli i think we started talking via this friending meme on mary's @baimudan_ lj like maybe a couple of weeks before the meetup happened. met penny @kaiwaiidesuyo via a mutual..friend i think back in rookie era exo days...and krystal we met once before bc she volunteered for the booth i ran during kcon 2012. and amy i knew from kaisoo ficdom as well, og fluff warrior.
dayoung and jenny @fc_jenny actually we go hella back, we were on the same scholarship trip to korea yrs ago, and reconnected bc of exo (<3)
sometime in the summer of 2014 met bianca and lauren too, everyone kinda knew each other at some point lmao
carmen i met via a mutual friend @souIfree zai, bc of jongin i think and also bc she ordered from us when baekrupted was running, we met up for fangoods (and learned we're actly p near each other!!) and took off from there, @ashraeoh ash we met thru fangoods as well, and irl when she came to visit LA (and celebrated my legal age bday w/ me!!!) (unofficial meeting tho thru another mutual during kcon'13 idk if she remembers)
cont. on with kaisoo squad jay and yesi and (honorary maybe reluctant nikki) @haesicas @dohhoe @chankals i think I met jay like back rly early exo days (same time started talking to mag etcetc) but i think we bonded more after she accepted ksoo into her life (??) and ofc kaisoo... i call this squad kaisoo golden headcanon squad/fics u want to read but may never read squad/ etcetc ..i think i met nikki thru this video group chat before we even followed each other (this cute flower!!!) and yesi (was it thru jay???) on twitter, i cant even rmbr exactly but it was meant to b i think bc so natural our ksoo spazzing just brought us tgt i cant remember i time without yesi in my life LOLOL

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Liked by: J

If a man was fighting his EX in a tournament (who cheated on him and spent his money) and she defeated him easily, what would be the most humiliating thing she could say as she stood over him in victory?

......................... o.o???
i don't know...this scenario is so sad

What is leafanos fanart book?

I'm going to take this opportunity to preach bc I can.
leafano is a korean kadi fanartist and her book was a rated fanart book. the issue now is that some of her purchasers DID NOT respect her guidelines of purchase which were to not SHARE/REPOST the work without her permission. the problem here is that the content is not meant for all ages and her restrictions were very strictly enforced in the first place for that reason. only of age buyers who had proof of id were even allowed to purchase it to minimize the risk of her content being leaked and EVEN SO. some purchasers decided to disregard the original author's wishes and consent.
That is the issue right now.
It doesn't matter what the circumstances are honestly you should ALWAYS be respecting the creator's original wishes. leafano was already very wary bc a fan threatened to show jongin her work, people need to understand that all restrictions are placed with reason.
Because of this, overseas fans probably have close to 0 chance of ever purchasing this fanartist's work ever again. The fanartist was already wary in the first place and this just sealed the deal. So yeah.

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Liked by: papple Yessy

What's your blog ?

it's live at mildspaces.tumblr.com <- kind of rearranged as not a tumblr blog with commenting features and everything \o ...domain is pending bc i'm undecided about penname or identity haha


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