Ask @elaisa_

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Imp the last convo dong. With grandma ato old women;)

sama emak. a little convo, she asked me first.
"nik makan nasgor beli dimana?"
"oh iya emg da situ nasgor e lumayan"
"nik ini parcel dr siapa?"
"dibuka gpp ya? mau liat isinya"
yeaa begitulah☺

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Do you decide quickly or do you think a long time?

Not that quick but not too slow. Biasanya used my imagination gt buat imagine + / - nya my decision lol. apalgi kalo milih makan... #imajinerbanget

Who would you like to be?

i'd like to be a better me. a true fighter for my future life. bcs life can be so difficult at times, but fighting through the pain is so worth it and feel every kind of emotion than not feel at all☺


Language: English