

At what point is killing entire cities unacceptable? Like, when you've got your shirt untucked? Do you have to be in formal attire or is smart casual alright?

go morning suit or go home

Latest answers from Eleanor

Do you think it's plausible that your meta-ethical position that leads you to adopt an paternalistic vegan political position (i.e. you would not respect the political right of another citizen to harm non-citizen animals, etc.) is incorrect?

I wouldn't say so, but that's because I think labelling it true/false correct/incorrect would be a category error

does prisoner's dilemma tell us anything deep about human nature?

hmm i don't think so, nothing novel or shocking anyway

Your opinion on Singer? And vegetarianism as opposed to veganism?

Singer is convincing, but not persuasive (though he ought to be persuasive; that's our/my moral failing).
I don't say this to vegetarians obv, but actually have a lot less time for them - unless they're transitioning - than meat-eaters, in most cases. Because they know what happens. They know what happens but they still won't put the animals first. That's worse.

People become socialists out of envy. Agree?

who keeps asking me this
i literally don't have an opinion on anything around this topic
put this question in the idiot bin

what are you opinions on the argument that borderline personality disorder is sexist/a recycled version of hysteria/just PTSD in some ways?

STRONGLY disagree that it's sexist or PTSD (though many of the symptoms are similar). I really don't like any of the above view at *all*; there's enough grim stigma in the medical profession (and bloody everywhere else) that it's really exhausting. Doctors give up on you. I don't usually tell people I know about my diagnosis, because I think they'll judge me. Really tiring.
Hysteria was a genuine phenomenon, remember. Women did exhibit those symptoms. The fact that it's in part explicable through analysis of gender norms doesn't mean it didn't exist.

Have you read The Divided Self by Laing? If not I think you would find it interesting especially part 2 and also especially chapter 5 "the inner self in the schizoid condition". Also sucks bout life but uh, you're a pretty flourishing sort of person so seems you'll rock on

wow this is particularly odd as I started exactly that book a couple of weeks ago. have been rather caught up in things since, but it's something I've been desperate to read for ages (&, somewhat inevitably, adore what I've read so far) so am dying to go back to it.
thank you so much. x

Would it be right in thinking that everyone's great desire to change the world, and thus leading to ever extremer thoughts, is instantly shot down when you realise that we change the world around us every day, albeit in an infinitely, and ultimately meaningless, small way? Much like life itself?

it wouldn't be wrong

At what point should we stop using media as a means of escapism and face the brutal reality of life and actually do something about it?


u have very nice profile pic. who took it?

that's so kind of you! my brother david took it, and I got caught in the middle of an eye-roll...

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