
emily arnold

Ask @emilyraearnold

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If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

Your stupid but i love you. You're my bff

Emily I love you but Derek is gonna end up breaking your heart, not saying he is. And I can't see you hurt or cry. . Escipally since you like one of my bffs -kennedi


Emily, I'm gonna keep this annon. bc if you knew who I was , you would bite my head off. Emily I LOVE YOU from the bottom of my heart , and hear me out. Derek is NOT good for you. He sluts around and hits girls. HE HITS THEM. And not just Candice , I've seen him hit other girls, including me. ily

Ok... Im gonna go cry now..

He was very nic to them and gave them gifts and yeah. I'm sorry Emily, I know you're a nice girl, please don't lower your priorities to Derek. He acts like angood guy but, he's not. I know you're happy right now but if he breaks your heart then..

Im scared now /:

Derek treats you just like he treated his other girlfriends. Why? Haven't you seen what he has done to them?

How did he treat his other girlfriends?): cause hes pretty damn nice to me

You're vine says you hate it here and want to move back why? Sounds like you have a good life here. I mean a mom and a dad, nice house, I don't get why you just can't be happy :( totes a life I would love to have :'(

You honestly don't know what I've been through. Moving 35 miles away from your mom, not seeing her for months, having your grandma hate you, & having to go wake up everyday without being with your real mom kind of sucks. I know there people who have been through more, but i love my mom to death. More than anything in the entire world.
Liked by: Candice


Language: English