
emily arnold

Ask @emilyraearnold

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I cant beleive you made City and izzy didnt. You suck at singing. Shes 100x better than you EVER will be. Ugh. Ugly. >.<

Are you stupid? I didnt sing. I TRIED OUT FOR CUTY LEADER NOT WORSHIP LEADER. I know izz should have made WORSHIP leader. She is a really good singer. YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD ME SING.

Oh. my. God. You are such a lier.

No im not. I go to Sagemont church. I was baptised on September 31 last year.

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If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?

Somewhere were people dont judge other people. Somewhere i can just cry, and cry. Somewhere where society cant get to me. Somewhere we're there is no one but me.

HAY BBY c: it's jay . I miss you babe ! we need to deff hang out this summer love ! Miss you

OMG I MISS YOU BABE. we're defff hanging out! <3 ily.

Do u play any sports? -Giselle. (u Dont know me. :)

I did track at school. I like to play softball too but sadly im not on a team. ): and my bestfriend tells me i should be a dancer.

Opinion on marc

He's really cool and we stopped talking but i really wish we started talking again, we were like bestfriends.


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