

Kamu pasti punya orang yang kamu suka sekarang, kenapa kamu bisa suka sama dia? Jelaskan secara komprehensif ?

yg bikin tertarik awalnya adalah dia lucu. terus dia berwawasan luas. terus dia perhatian. what really made me fall for her was when she sent me meds and snacks when I was sick, ditambah notes2 lucu heuehe. the more I know her the more I fall for her. like I said, she's witty, she's smart, open-minded, she's kind and caring, and she's unbearably cute. she is compassionate in a different way than I am. she's fragile, that makes me want to protect her. she's thoughtful and she takes care of me well. she's loving and I'm just really happy to be with her hehe

Latest answers from Dhara

Kalo punya uang sisa 10ribu tapi kamu lapar, kira kira bakal beli makanan apa yang kenyangin?

batagor atau indomie :9

If you had to choose, would you go to the Light or the Dark side?

life is neither dark nor light, it is grey area. and I choose to stay that way

lebih bahagia masa kecil atau masa sekarang ini ?

ga inget sebagian besar masa kecil jadi kujawab sekarang saja._.

Lo tipe org yg gmna kalu suka ma olang?

straightforward (ga malu2 buat ngaku suka). very obvious to see who I'm crushing on. bucin. clingy. dikit2 kangen.

Bedanya sayang sama sekedar suka menurut lu apa neng ?

kalo sayang kita mendahului kebahagiaan orang itu, tapi kalo suka kita pasti lebih egois / lebih mentingin diri sendiri wkwk
pasti ada pikiran "apa menghabiskan waktu/tenaga utk melakukan samting utk orang ini worth it??? what's in it for me??" kalo cuma suka._.
imo ya hehe

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