Ask @englesia

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I just want to say it's so awesome that you stood up to those rude anons and I think educating people about gender equality/sexualization is extremely important!! keep doing what you're doing~~ you're amazing

yo if you're interested in this kinda stuff you should join my feminism/mental health awareness club next year!!!! it's called 'Fem!' and we're going to be doing stuff for mental health awareness (!!), feminism, LGBTQ, body positivity, etc etc
~~~~~~ we're doing stuff during the 1st and 4th slots on Activity day if u wanna come join ~~~~

im all for feminism and shit, but you should grow some thicker skin when people ask you about it. you dont need to take it so seriously, you know theyre just looking for a reaction and youre giving them exactly that. dont let things get to you so easily. you can get arrested for your answer to this

1) DO NOT tell me what to do, I'm not yours to be ordered around, I will very well do as I please.
2) 'you dont need to take it so seriously' okay, let's not take fighting for equality seriously, perfect ideA, have u considered running for a leadership position?? bc u seem to be full of gr8 ideas
3) if you're 'all for feminism and shit' then you wouldn't have a problem with me handing idiots' asses back to them
not meant to be rude, just don't tell me what to do and don't try to tell me to be quiet about feminism
Liked by: Monica Sun

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I shave my legs, im a man, good talk!

wow, that's awesome for you! if that's what makes you feel good about yourself then good for you :-) i know a few other guys who shave their legs too.
if this is a sly dig at my comment about how men expect women to shave when men themselves don't, i meant it on a general scale

women can't handle intense situations?? excuse you but a woman carried you around in her body for 9 months while her internal organs got all fucked up4u and then pushed you out of a tiny hole in her body then a couple days later got up and walked away with u how is that not the most metal thing ever

this anon!!!!!
Liked by: zara kanaan Andrea

wow anon so if i gave u a picture of two unshaved legs you'd be able to tell by the attractiveness of said legs whether or not the person was male or female that is so ridiculous can you even hear yourself. the reason women shave their legs is because guys like it. feminists sometimes choose not to

i love
Liked by: Andrea

What’s something you should throw away, but can’t?

my askfm account... actually I'm going to stop using it.
I'm leaving it up so people can see the positive messages I've received and hopefully feel inspired by them to do something. but I'm not down with receiving these rude negative demeaning angry messages that only serve to hurt/upset me
for example, to anons that sent me these messages: good job, you've succeeded in offending me! but more specifically@the anons talking about women, you are perpetuating a culture of rape culture, of sexualisation, objectication and of violence. know that you were BORN FROM a woman and will possibly, one day, be married to one or even have a few as children. yet you believe that women are so much less worthy than you? it scares me that people exist with the belief that one gender is so much better than another. I'm not gonna waste time on u idiots anymore, and I just hope that one day you will realise that sending people mean messages over the internet only reflects on your shittiness as a person in general.
anyways, bye ask fm! thank you to ALL the lovely people who have sent nice, supportive messages to me. this website has helped me grow in a lot of positive ways :-)

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Liked by: Amanda Monica Sun

There exist more arrogance in this ask than in Buckingham Palace, feminism is fantastic but saying, " all the boys I would even consider taking as dates are 24 and live in London LOL," is so condescending i almost throw up...

jus spittin truth, if u have a problem with my taste in males that sucks for u bc I'm havin a grand time over here ~ LOL ~ LOL ~ ~~

Who knows the most about you?

katharina lina loebbert ♥♥ some others are pretty close in knowledge though, they know who they are

im all for feminism and shit, but you should grow some thicker skin when people ask you about it. you dont need to take it so seriously, you know theyre just looking for a reaction and youre giving them exactly that. dont let things get to you so easily.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

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how do you feel right now?

i'm pretty much always ambivalent, but right now i aaam ecstatic
yesterday was 2 friends' joint birthday party, i got to dj for 5 hours (!!!) and people kept complimenting my music taste (!!!fucking yay) and there was twerking and so MUCH happy happy happiness and some friends that do paid djing told me i was as good as them ^_^
it's a really good feeling to know you're making other people happy and was even moreso because I did that through music. it was probably one of the most life affirming moments in recent times and it made me feel like i'm getting closer to finding out my purpose in life or whatever

fav quote go

Monica Sun
omg where do i even starT SO MANY um here are a few >>>>>
EVERYTHING jenny holzer has ever done, 'truisms' and the 'survival series' and skin work, i would get all of it tattooed on my body. some favourites:
'you are the past present and future'
'i try to excite myself so i stay crazy'
'expiring for love is beautiful but stupid'
'fear is the greatest incapacitator'
'raise boys and girls the same way'
'the unattainable invariable is attractive'
'protect me from what i want'
just read them all O Mg
barbara kruger:
'your body is a battleground'
'we will not become what we mean to you'
'the meaning of life is that it stops' (franz kafka) (image attached)
yohji yamamoto: 'i think perfection is ugly. somewhere in the things humans make, i want to see scars, failure, disorder, distortion'
t s fucking eliot: 'My words echo / Thus, in your mind. / But to what purpose / Disturbing the dust on a bowl of rose-leaves / I do not know.' sorry not a quote exactly but part of a much longer poem

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body shaming is just as big of an issue for men as women, just putting that out there

I wrote that body shaming applies to both men and women yo
Liked by: Chandler

honest question: do you really believe that you should be fighting for womens rights in the 21st century. please point out a few examples of inequality in every day life that is misguided?

i'm going to sound angry but i'm not, i just feel so sad that you need me to prove that women's rights are still important in the 21st century and that is an example in itself. this response is not going to be coherent & my points won't connect because i'm writing it in 1 go. attempting to explain every single reason why WANTING EQUALITY IS IMPORTANT is impossible i'm just going to do 3?
first i HIGHLy suggest you take a look at the website &
"""Within feminism, rape culture is a concept that links rape and sexual violence to the culture of a society, and in which prevalent attitudes and practices normalize, excuse, tolerate, and even condone rape.
Examples of behaviors commonly associated with rape culture include victim blaming, sexual objectification, and trivializing rape"""" RAPE CULTURE IS PERPETUATED WHEN YOU CALL SOMEONE A SLUT. OR A BITCH. OR A WHORE. WHETHER THEY'RE A VIRGIN OR NOT. WHETHER THEY'RE YOUNG OR OLD. BASED OFF OF WHAT THEY WEAR. BASED OFF OF WHO THEY HANG OUT WITH, WHAT THEY DO IN THEIR SPARE TIME. SOMEONE'S SEX LIFE IS NONE OF ANYONE ELSE'S BUSINESS UNLESS IT'S HURTING HEALTH/SOMEONE ELSE. of the few girls (sometimes boys) that DO come forward about being raped, the majority of these cases are laughed at, brushed under the rug, sometimes the VICTIMS ARE BLAMED for ALLOWING it to happen. "60% of sexual assaults are reported to police. 97% of rapists will never spend time in jail." - RAINN USA
• RIGHTS WITHIN THE WORKPLACE. GENDER GAP IN EARNINGS. GOVERNMENT PLACEMENT. "In 2010 the median income of FTYR (full-time year round) workers was $42,800 for men, compared to $34,700 for women." women are often considered less worthy within workplaces due to the simple fact that they are female and 'less intelligent/capable than men'/should stay home. women hold 4.4% of CEO roles in the Forbes 1000. FOUR POINT FOUR PERCENT.
• BODY SHAMING. this applies to both men and women. bodies have become so objectified in our culture that it's the norm to comment on other people's bodies. moreso larger people than thin but everyone has been body shamed in one form or another (think cosmopolitan magazine:'how to lose those 25 pounds for summer!'). body shaming veryveryreyry often leads to eating disorders (and eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness). feminism is about body acceptance of yourself and others. READ:
to conclude there is literally nothing wrong with pure feminism, with wanting equality between all genders. there are particular people who call themselves 'feminists' who are actually MISANDRISTS (men haters) & these are people who are ruining the reputation of feminism.

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Men are total pigs who start wars and make me hate Christmas. they should be castrated. u wif me girl

i'm sorry you have had bad experiences with men but i don't agree, some men are bad just like some women are bad just like some trans* people are bad. malevolence and cruelty come from one's personality and experience, not gender
Liked by: Monica Sun CAITLIN


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