

Ask @chanld3

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How would the world be different if everybody was vegetarian?

That's an entire market and industry completely obliterated. So speaking from an economic standpoint that's a fuck ton of jobs
and I would be very sad because I like meat.
Liked by: Manon Van Damme

"for fucks sake eat fucking breakfast" do you think that was targeting you

Um. I don't even know where you're coming from with this....
I just don't like traditional breakfast foods or to eat as soon as I wake up. I tend to eat from 10am to 4am.

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What is something you have changed about yourself/some way you have grown that you are proud of?

I used to feel really ugly and I had the worst sense of self confidence (really, it was non-existent). Because of that I avoided social situations and even looking in the mirror
(fun fact is that one school year during this time I read about 130 books because I didn't talk to people.... Pretty sure I know people that haven't read that many in their lifetime)
So for me now to not only consider myself to be a self-confident individual but to also be perceived that way, is really cool. It's nice to feel comfortable in your own skin.
Liked by: tracy melisa

Where would you like to go to school at once you've graduated??

My first choice is Cornell, but I'm also applying to BU, USC, Emory, Bucknell, Drexel, Tulane, and MSU.
Time to start hunting for that free monayy (aka scholarships and grants)

What is one thing you refuse to share?

only one thing? I mean I'm all for that "sharing is caring" stuff but honestly there is a list of things that should never be shared
1. Prescription Pills
2. Needles
3. Thongs
4. Toothbrush
Liked by: Isabelle Lao

Thoughts on anything?

It's 3 in the morning and I'm ready to hit the gym and the hotel gym doesn't open till 5 am...I HAVE JETLAG AND A BUTT TON OF ENERGY THAT NEEDS TO BE PUT SOMEWHERE.
Jeez, I'm gonna write a strongly worded letter to the management of this place some people like to lift in the dead of the night so other people can't observe their gains.
Liked by: Bryan Dickerson

do you miss any seniors?

Of course I do, and I'm hella jealous that they're 100% done with high school and are on funky ass trips.

what are you doing this summer?

I'm going to be all over! I'm at Cornell for 3 weeks, then I'm kind of roadtripping to the south doing college tours. Ending the summer with some time in Michigan, maybe in Chicago for a couple days?

did u take the photo of yout page's background?

yeah i did! I took it with a disposable camera while i was roadtripping with the fam from LA to San Fran last summer. I think it was Monterrey? It doesn't accurately depict the terrain but I love how it came out.

I have seen you dance, and WOW you dance so well. you have an incredible body and you definitely know how to wear/work your outfits. although we have never talked, you seem like such a mature and confident girl which i admire so much!!

Thanks Leah, maybe we'll get to know each other better if you're still around next year. You're really beautiful by the way x

chandler! i don't know you super well but you strike me as a unique exotic v cool person! also your answers are always sassy haha and you are an amazing dancer! rugby was really fun with you and i hope i can get to know you better!

carlinewman’s Profile PhotoCarli
Awh, thank you so much Carli! Please tell me you're playing again next year <3 <3 <3

how did bryan ask you to prom?

I think i've told this story 100001 times now, I wish i could just post the video

Are you French? Or can you speak French? And what grade are you in? You look really pretty by the way!

Non, je suis américaine, je parle français, mais pas plus fort. Je l'étudiais depuis j'avais 12 ans.
I'm a junior, awwh thank you x

pretty late, 2 months actually, but To Be H, I've heard from others that your quite cool, um dont think I've ever talked to you, but dont be afraid to come talk to me : )

How can I come talk to you.....if I don't even know who you are....

how do you find your music?

Um, however really.... I actually really like using Songza to find stuff. It's my #1 music app. There are some awesome playlists. Literally something for everyone

how was your long weekend?

It was great! Very well spent, very few disappointments, and great times with my friends
Aaaaaaand now I've got homework
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