

Ask @eviebayer22

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What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?

There isn't anything scarier than getting trapped upstairs in a school hallway by the staircase. I had to get ready for my basketball game, but the gate was locked and I was trapped. I freaked out and I was banging against the gate saying, "HELP, LET ME OUT, THE STAIRCASE IS LOCKED!" My friend heard me, looked at me, laughed and then walked away because apparently she thought it was the funniest thing ever. I stood by the staircase and about 10 minutes later, somebody finally unlocked the gate for me. I felt like I was in a jail cell behind bars for the longest time! Now I know how prisoners must feel everyday of their lives!!(':

What's messed up with this world?

LOVE! It's seriously so messed up like I can't even explain it. One day he'll say, "I love you so much omg, you are my everything." Then she'll say, "Awe, you're so sweet and I will always love you forever and ever! You mean the world and everything to me." Then the next day they will argue about something stupid and break up. Or something goes wrong so they don't love each other anymore. But then after a while they will get back together and say "I love you" again and then they will break up and make up and on and on and on the love circle goes... AFTER SAYING THEY LOVE EACH OTHER how many times? It's seriously so messed up because one day you tell this person that you love them and you tell them secrets and then one day, all those memories and everything you once had, are completely gone and washed away. It's kind of insane how one person can affect your life and how they can suddenly mean so much to you. Then after everything you once had and everything you went through, you're supposed to just forget about it and completely move on? Love is seriously messed up because it's not the person or memories you had that hurts. What hurts the most was being so close and being together. I just don't understand how someone can mean the world to you and then simply, everything falls apart and you have to move on. It's like, what ever happened to you telling me that, "I love you and I'll always be there for you through the ups and downs no matter what."

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What is your opinion on bullying?

I honestly hate bullying. Nobody should be treated differently and nobody should have to deal with bullies. People say bullying is wrong, but yet so many people bully one another. I think it's so disgraceful because deep down inside, those people know God wouldn't be happy with their choices on bullying somebody. To actually see somebody getting bullied tears me apart because nobody deserves that. It doesn't matter if you're popular or not. Is it really necessary to bring somebody down? What if you were the one getting bullied? Some people have no idea how much their words can hurt one another. Just because bullies are insecure and make themselves feel better by making someone else feel bad, doesn't give them the right to bully someone. Attacking someone with words is just as hurtful as attacking them physically. People bully others to make themselves feel important and big. They probably have a low self esteem and want to be known as a strong person. There's a reason behind everything. However, it's still wrong. I honestly think all of it has to stop because sometimes it gets way out of control. It's not fun being the victim or the bully. As a victim, you go through life thinking you're never good enough or who will make fun of me this school year or tomorrow? As a bully, after you mature a little you'll be aware that you really hurt someone, and that this someone will remember what you did to them forever. I don't deserve hate. You don't deserve hate. Nobody deserves to be bullied because we are all special in our own way. Don't listen to a single word they tell you because you're one step higher than them. Make the bully wonder why you're still standing!!!(:

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What does the life you want to live look like?

I actually do like my life right now. I wouldn't ever change it. Every single thing that happened in my life, happened for a reason and I've been through a lot of the ups and downs. It's all taught me something because I can't freeze time. It keeps moving on and it's called "living life." I have amazing friends and family and if I moved somewhere else or lived a different life, I wouldn't have my friends or my everyday life I'm currently living. I can't picture my life differently. My life is perfect just the way it is!(:

What's one thing you will never understand?

How you can be with someone for a really long time and they all of a sudden don't want you. How the nicest girl ever turns into the biggest bitch. How people get judged just because of the way they look or dress. How your best friend can turn into your worst enemy. How good people can turn into people they said they'd never be. How the love of your life can't love you back. How people can lie right to your face and not feel one bit sorry for it. How rude people can be. But most of all, I don't understand why society makes people feel like shit just because they aren't a size zero, or because they aren't the most muscular guy at school... Not everyone is perfect, but everyone is perfect in their own way.

Is there any person you are afraid of?

YES! This one teacher who gave me a yellow card in kindergarten because I was skipping in the hallway. She told me to show it to my parents and get it signed by them. When she walked away, I tore the yellow card into a million tiny pieces and I never got caught or anything. Then, several years later, she was my sub in 6th grade and she told me to go back to kindergarden, told me I smiled too much and it creeped her out. Then she locked me out of the classroom and left me out there for 3 hours...


Language: English