
Farah Batrisyia

Ask @faraaaaaaaahtot

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Why do people have to cheat on their partner 😔

because they can. no one deserves to be treated like this boo, you deserve better

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I’m sorry okay but this is the best for us.

i wass soooo petty back then, & ive just realised that love isnt worth the pain 🤍

Barang sesiapa yg berminat nak beli barang di JD sport, boleh cari sye di JD one utama. Saya cuba bantu sebaik boleh.

i all the time pergi jd ou but rarely bukak askfmm sorry

What is the dark side of falling in love? Do you ever lost focus on what supposed you focus or etc?

moving on is the hardest part, to be frank. nope, it wasnt that hard to focus in lectures, if you know your priorities.

What are 20 things that are not worth it?

alamak macam banyak sangat je, but one thing yang i memang akan pegang is dont waste your time, stay dekat toxic friendships/ relationship. i know its hard but time heals right? 🥺

Thank you

for? is everything okay?? sumpah sorry do i bukak this app bila i bosan je aaaaaa and now i feel bad.

Anything to say before 2019 ☺️

This is going to be last rant for 2018; It has been a v tough year sebab i lost someone yang i fikir dia je yang ada masa i susah, the day he left me, i cried every single day, I punished & blame myself for losing him, overthinking kills, i tried so hard, i did everything fts to be w him but he clearly cant see any of my efforts i think??? he used to know each & every situation that happened in my life, but i was wrong, people change, he met someone, he chose, compared & replaced me w his new girl, he chose her > me, you cant force someone to understand & stay w you, he was a jerk. there are lots of people out there who care about me, more than I imagine, and i would to say thank you to whom it may concern ☺️ My heart hurts, still, it beats faster everytime i write about you, it really shows me the true colour of you, i dont like to say this but I regret knowing you :) i know that you are reading this, i think its better for me to remove you out of my life, for your own happiness.

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What do you hope for 2019?

mmuzhafarsaleh’s Profile PhotoCockroach.mur
Too many resolutions but first & foremost, i tak nak involve/ communicate with anyone yang i pernah terasa as I hold grudges. Im not gonna entertain any of them, removing their contacts, block them on socmed/ mute all of their accounts sebab I swear to god this year ramai gunakan i & im gonna keep my circle small :)

You guys suka bad boys or gentle boys?

Gentle laaa what is the point kalau suka bad boys kalau...... im not gonna expose any story of my past rs anymore sebab I malas kisah but benda tu bagi i fikir yang you kena appreciate orang yang layan you baik :)


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