

Ask @fishesgobloop

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Where is it better to train - at home or in the gym? Where are you doing it?

To each is own. If you have access to a gym and aren’t self conscious, it opens up more variety to the exercises you can do. I utilise both to ensure I get sufficient exercise!

How do you get rid of nightmares you keep having for some period of time ?

Honestly idk 🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh they're changing the syllabus?? You're so kind, thanks a lot :)

I think after the first year they wanna do some review and changes to it. Not entirely sure though. No worries, always glad to offer help! I'm sure you'll do fine (:

I hope I'll get over the anxiety quickly :/ Do practical lessons start in trimester 1?

I'm sure you'll be able to (: I'm not sure how they're gonna change the syllabus! There might be. If you ever need any help with schoolwork feel free to drop me a message anytime ok!

Do you ever feel uncomfortable during PT practical class bc of the way you perceive your body? Kinda feeling nervous about practical lessons since we have to obey the dress code provided and I have always had body image issues sigh

Yes for sure, especially because I have many self-inflicted scars ☹ but it's something you just have to get used to, and it takes awhile but eventually you'll be able to do it (: and know that you're probably not the only one feeling uneasy about it.

Your legs look amazing Joey! (is this creepy hahahah hope it isnt 😅)

Hahahaha idk but thank youuuu it's very much appreciated (:

nope i don't have appt today! i just don't want people to keep questioning about it :/ i am planning to tell my psychologist anyways so

Wah you damn fast HAHA yeah I understand about not wanting people to ask you questions about it. Just be honest with your careteam okay, that's the only way they can help you!! Sending you hugs and support <3

why you teach recoveryisworthit how to hide her cuts from the doctors !!! she is having appt today

I guess if she wants to be honest she can always show it to her docs, but sometimes going out with exposed fresh cuts isn't always the best thing...?

you can!! You are strong inside and out :D

Trying really hard to believe that but somehow it doesn't seem to be happening... Thank you though ):

jia you Joey, you have the strength to pull through! All the best for your super intense weekend!!!

Thank you, really hope I can survive 😌

Hi! Possible to share where/ how you bought your chow chow?

From pet station in serangoon gardens!

happy mid-week joey! hope this week has been kind to you, may there be brighter days to come! :)

Thank you ☺️


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