

Not to rain on your parade but the everyman doesn't really care about identity politics. You want to label everything?go ahead call yourself a demisexual genderfluid otherkin attack helicopter or w/e you people do because most of us couldn't care less or be bothered learning about it.

Yo i was addressing all the anons that like to tell me my gender identity doesn't exist. So you can fuck right off
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Latest answers from Bex

How would you describe your parenting style? And another question, would you force your daughter to hug a family member so she won't appear rude?

Somewhat laid back but stern when I need to be, and no I wouldn't. That's actually happened before and the family member was mad at me lol

Do you think the John Carpenter's shape-shifting alien masterpiece 'The Thing' really is one of the best horror films ever made? :o Why do you think it got so many negative reviews at the time of it's actual release - 1982- in contrast to all the positive reviews it gets in the present day??

I actually love that movie, lot of people back then weren't used to that degree of gore

@xoxo_t1093 actually planned her baby. When she was on vacation, Nick was on her ask account and he admitted that they were TTC. When I pointed the question out to Tori she quickly deleted it. Now she's completely lying saying the baby is an "accident". She won't answer my questions about her TTC.

I literally don't give a single shit

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