

Half of these are funny. Half of these are creepy. What should I decide? https://youtu.be/_Ap6N94LT98

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Humpty dumpty-what the hell?
DUI PSA-Well, if you're gonna make people shit themselves...
Ice cream-Stopped paying attention at the wrong moment and only heard 'I eat little babies.'
UK Phone thing-Nothing says buy cell phones like B-rated horror gimmicks. Also, that's like Edgar Allen Poe's second daughter right?
Coffee in can-What? Is that what inspired the end of every bad zombie film ever?
NES-Well considering their biggest mascot is a total sociopath, not surprising this made it through.
Alcoholic parents-So the shot of the kid in the playground looking at Darth Sidious was reused as a photo in Insidious right?
Japanese Tires-Well they know how to take it up to 11. But before she jumps the care that's pretty fucking tense and creepy.
Original McDonalds-Sounds like a pedophile, and the job is just as horrible. But I feel it's good for common sense building and respect for fast food workers.
Crinkles-Not even going to bother to spell it correctly.
As for your opinion, some of them are definitely weird and out there.
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