

I think the world is ending...I'm agreeing with Donald Trump. I now feel the need to throw up, now that I have said that. Anyways, thoughts on this? http://www.cnn.com/2016/04/24/opinions/trump-transgender-bathrooms-opinion-cupp/index.html

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well, give credit where credit is due.
Admittedly the two seconds is a small bit concerning like the article mentioned. But personally I have to agree with him as well.
All the arguments I've ever seen is people who look like the stereotypical fat guy in their mother's basements walking into women's bathrooms. Pretty sure people do that now.
Personally, I don't give a shit. Just wash your hands when you're done.
People have been choosing their bathrooms for years. Why make a big deal now?
And they are right. It's completely unenforceable. If people commit crimes to people in the bathrooms, charge them with those crimes. Don't punish people for using a damn bathroom. Does the bathroom in people's homes have gender signs? No. A toilet's a toilet. Hell, if you want, make a gender neutral bathroom. Hell, those exist already. They're called family bathrooms.

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