

https://youtu.be/Q7K_SfFxsbg Yep. Definitely not seeing this movie now.

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Gonna be honest, while I can't condone both fucking in the theater (parking lot, restroom, seriously) or fighting the staff (yeah, just no) but I will admit any of that would be needed to make that movie entertaining. Booze, sex, fights, yeah, pretty much any of that is much more entertaining than the movie.
Basic opinions on the whole situation: movie-shit, booze before-don't blame you that movie is terrible, sex-be safe about it, sex in the theater-seriously just go back to your car you're wasted that isn't lasting more than ten minutes also the theater staff have enough issues and are not paid enough to deal with that, fighting the staff-while still more entertaining than the movie yes they were 100% in the wrong and deserve to be in jail for a couple days.
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