

I guess since it's been awhile since we've had a formal chat...how goes things?

FloatingQuaker’s Profile PhotoFloatingQuaker
Well if we're going for formal, allow me to straighten the tie I have wrapped around this person's throat real quick. And then I'll break it down.
Work: It's driving me insane. People are becoming ungrateful assholes, making my job harder than it needs to be. The management sucks as well. So I'm trying to find a new job. Not that great of luck yet.
Family: Went to a reunion recently. Got to see my new second cousin. And now sadly one of our elders could go any day now. Other than that, it's all normal.
Friends: Hyped to go visit my friend B in October and go see American Murder Song again.
Girlfriend: She is wonderful as ever. She is enjoying her new job, and she went with me to the reunion recently. The family loves her, which excites me to no end.
Me: Aside from being slightly more unhinged from work, I'm doing alright. Been playing some video games (Mass Effect: Andromeda), reading (just finished The Dark Tower: The Waste Lands), and watching YouTube. Also been working on my project, and I'm very excited about it. I've decided it's definitely becoming something. At the moment it's potentially a video project, but it may become a book if I can't film it. Also I'm setting up some rules and a content list for when I am able to record video game videos again.
I think that's pretty much it.
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