

Ask @gavinhunter1000

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What says "autumn" to you? For me, Pumpkin spice Cliff bars, Starbucks, lip balm and assorted cold essentials spell an oncoming fall.

The leaves and the chilly weather. And Halloween.

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Whose advice would you trust more – that of someone you love or that of your best friend's?

Neither because they can both go against you, and give you advice that will benefit them and not you.

Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Five years from now.. I could definitely see myself out of here, and living somewhere else. Hopefully In that amount of time I’ll have a lovely girlfriend or fiancé. Succeeding with her and making a good living. Definitely either pursuing my career or in the process of. For sure working hard and making my dreams a reality.
Liked by: Shannon

???What do you think about long distance relationships?

I think that they involve A lot of trust. I personally could never do a long distance relationship again, because it's hard when you don't get to physically be with that person.

Do you like heavily colored eyebrows?

Think I might delete ask cause no one asks me stuff so whats the point of this app even. 😂
Liked by: Mikayla Lynn

If you had an opportunity to change your name, would you use it? If yes, what would be the name?

I'm already getting my name changed in a few days. 😏
Liked by: Mikayla Lynn


Language: English