

Ask @gavinhunter1000

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Do you chase people? Why or why not?

No, i don't chase people. That's a waste of time and I'm not in it to waste your time or my time. If someone wants to be a part of my life, they'll show that they do, if they don't, then so be it, the door is open. I'm not going to chase you to get you, and I'm not going to make you stay if you wanna leave. But just remember, I don't chase people, so if you decide to leave, don't try to come back.

this guy in my class like turned half of his body to face my direction, looked at me for a sec, smirked, then used his head to like point at me and then he looked at his friend and raised his eyebrows up and down. Then his friend glanced at me and half smiled. Why did he and his friend do that?

Liked by: Mikayla Lynn

If the whole world were listening, what would you say?

Please, please, don't ever give up. Whether it's on a person, or a goal, or you can't open something, however big or small; just don't ever give up on it. Great things take time, you can't just expect something great to happen right away, you have to earn it, you have to want it you have to build up to it. But no matter how difficult things get along the way, don't you ever give up on what has brought you this far. You get past difficulties, it's like in elementary school when you had an obstacle course you had to get through; some parts were easy some parts were hard but you didn't give up you kept going until you reached what you were set out to reach. Don't ever give up on something you really want, you may go through a journey to get it, but in the end, you'll be glad you didn't give up. People are worth it, goals are worth it, a jar of pickles that you can't seem to open is worth it. Do what YOU need to do, regardless of what that looks like to others. Not everything is meant to be, but everything is worth a try. If you work hard enough, and you really put effort into it, anything is possible. Don't. Give. Up. On something that you can't go a day without thinking about.

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Liked by: Mikayla Lynn Makayla

You're an amazing person and so sweet. What ever girl gets to call you hers is the luckiest girl on this planet

Thank you that's so kind! But more like I'll be the luckiest guy to have a wonderful girl to call mine.
Liked by: Mikayla Lynn


Language: English