
Gabriella Caroline

Ask @gebicaroline

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Did your parents have those glass thermometers for when you got sick where there was one that came in a blue case and another that came in a red case?

No They didnt. And who r you-.-? Asking tht kind of question

desc + pap

abdulgany18’s Profile PhotoAbdul Gany
abdul gany a.k.a. abdulgan, agan, abdul, gany, beddu', cina org, vinrang city, ketos, sok, usil, suka bully farrid, bykmaubcara, baik, hardworker, maujddokterpokonya, cpt mnjd dewasa, sopir tanpa SIM, kluargadokter, sdgdalamketidakpastian, teman kerja yang baik
pap :
⭐️BIG BANG! Let's start to be star!
English Competition
Registration 📅February 23rd - March 21st 2017 📍SMAN 5 Parepare
📞Arman : 0853 2223 3885
Gebi : 0821 9432 2317

DIP dlu

aisyahmut’s Profile Photositi aisyah mutmainnah
iy dek
Siti Aisyah Mutmainnah, crewet skli, pncinta biru smpe mati, sllu nyampah foto barang2 biru di chat-,-, sllu blg o pale kyk adek, fansnya got7 trutama Junior, 2 brsaudri, guru ayah dan ibunya iyokah? jago art, kreatif gila, klo melukis kyk gampangji bgi dia bru klo saya-,- , parepare poex, always buys online for spesific things, sllu sm Junjun, 25November, msh pusing sm masa dpnnya kyk ji saya, tmn diskusi hal2 penting ttg kehidupan*ciee, jago bawa motor, bisa gaya patah2 hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :p
I : O pale gebi
nd ku suka gebi
apa kau!
prg makan eh
moko beli spatu kh? tas? ada juga barang bagus nah
metto ini
gara2 kau ajak ka nah
knp je itu trus mu blg?
biru saya cop
ada anumu gh?
mana ara?sinar?sulfah?
bah jengkel ka liat teeetttettttett ku
jijik ka ner
ngambek nti nwd
Pap : malas

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Jika kalian main werewolf d kelas atau d mna pun, siapa yg kseringan anda pkir bhwa dia adalah werewolf.y siapa yg brwjh bukan werewolf tapi trnyata dia adlah werewolf siapa bodigar yg sangat jagain villager siapa yg susah ditebak bhwa dia yg werewolfnya #werewolf

Riqqah ih
Liked by: RiqqahTS.

new dip for👉

anisaadarinda’s Profile Photoanisadarinda
Anisa Darinda a.k.a anisa. The only "anisa" in mart12iks. I know it when my papa asked to me to look for u, oneofmybigfamily, scope, smart, pretty, kind, friendly, fossfor, good at telling story, cute, aspuri2, 310?
"Iye kak"
"Yes kak"
"Im quite nervous kak
That's why i make it faster"
"Ohiya kak"


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