
Georgia Keddy-Grant

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No it was between me and liv

Well liv told u. How she felt and said I had agreed then she brought me over to speak to u about this and then all of ur friends got invoveld and have threatend me so .....

And no I didn't bring anyone into actually I said to them if your doing anything I don't want anything to do with it don't have a go coz it's going make it worst and they got themselves involved because thier all being good friends to me someone that you wouldn't know the meaning of

Iv been there for u over two years straight, took u on holiday and we both no everything about each other I'm
More of a friend then anyone of ur new "friends " just speak to me tomorrow

Well okay, your brought your brother into it. Who apparently is going to "sort me out" yeah because he's going to hurt a minor lol?? you also have brought Jacqueline into it so stop acting fucking innocent omg ???

Tayla-Jade Welsh
Yes but Katherine has brought SHELBY,NAYDIYA,ROBYN,CHLOE, and U INTO IT I spoke to Jacqueline yesterday because I saw here in the shops and she said she would have a word because Katherine had got two year aboves invoveld and I had no one in this argument considering it was just between me Liv and Katherine .....

And your brother into it

How have I brought my brother into it if he's in bloody Australia !!!! My mum spoke to him and he sent me a message on fb, surly if he was getting invoveld, like Nadiya Robyn and tayla he would have directly messaged u ...

You said I laughed when she bring you brother involved Init when I didn't I said can't believe you said that you shouldn't of said that so please get your facts right first

Y where u laughing down the phone then ? And don't say u weren't because we all heard u

You brought everyone who has apparently slagged Katherine off into it

Tayla-Jade Welsh
Names, cus I've said none !!!!!!!! Katherine brought u Robyn Nadiya Chloe and shelby into it I havnt spoke to anyone, yet

Can btw no I said to Tayla I can't believe you said that you shouldn't of said that so before you jump to conclusion know the fact first

What are u on about, who did I bring into this name one person

Your the one who brought everyone involved I can name all the people

Like who who did I get invoveld ?

Well how come you were fine with me and then all of a sudden your not when I've done fuck all when you find out that I had nothing to do with then we will see who's sorry won't we

Your the one who was laughing when my family was brought into it....
All me and Liv where trying to do was to look out for u and tell u straight how we felt instead of being two faced, there was no need for your "friends" to get invoveld

It's all for drama that I'm sticking up for Katherine? When I only wanted to speak to you alone but people came up, also you've said shit about me and other people now so you've dug yourself a bigger hole

RobzAB9’s Profile PhotoX
Well that's all bullshit because I havent said anything about anyone in a bad term, your not exactly sticking up for Katherine when we are ok now, ur still having a go and still being immature and arsy about this, why don't grow up and leave me alone. U haven't even come up to me alone so get ur facts right ....

Why was Robyn shouting aT you

Pop up and I'll tell you the story, she had no right to start screaming at me it's all for drama ?


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