
Catherine Decker

Ask @giiiirllovexxx

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No i'm not bitch, you're the one talking about dead asses. You're nasty.

Yeah cause I'm the dumb one when your sitting there totally oblivious to the definition od deadass, like you just called me a bitch. that's a female dog, wolf, fox, or otter. So your point is invalid... There's lots of terms that mean & sound different, but yet you're THAT person to not know it or know it, but you just make yourself look dumb for actually pointing it out. like c'mon. Call me whatever you want but you're opinion is irrelevant to me

Theres no school tomorrow sweetie. And no its not Ashley. You'll never know. And if you know then stop your shit.

Are you dumb? I said MEET ME SOMEWHERE, as in wherever, & okay well again my life has nothing to do with yours, Austin loves me for who I am, deadass had a conversation with him about it lastnight, you need to grow a pair & tell me who you are ;)

Shut up with your sympathy bull shit. No one cares that you're fake bipolar. Why don't you grow a set and leave him. He's no man. You complain all the time about this bull shit. Either keep it between you two and not all over social media, or break the fuck up. Stupid ass bitch.

It's not sympathy, it's my feelings lol. You honestly think I don't know about how I act with my relationship, you can un follow me on twitter or delete me off fb or pay no attention to me in school, which if you said English class pretty sure it's Ashley right now ;) You're pathetic honestly, my life has nothing to do with you, I'm going to bed & I cant wait to wake up in the morning to seeing you complaining to me about myself LOL. Goodnight :)

You're gonna be free? Damn I thought you would at least charge your worth - $1. You wont even be standing there bitch, you'll be walking around with your friend probably gonna cheat on you boyfriend too. I don't care though I find it cute that you make big ass paragraphs about it.


Why do you take so long to answer? Does it really take 10 minutes to cone up with something?

I wrote a lot, so go read

No I was laughing because all the stuff that person said was so true. Your nothing but drama.

You're* and yes I'm also laughing because this person is a pussy if she cannot say it to my face regardless of me having this account, but yes I know. I can't help I get so emotional & pissed off over things, it's been like this for a year and almost 3 months. Probably due to the fact that I'm with my boyfriend, I know I'm full of drama, every girl is in some way or another, it's my fault for putting myself in this position, but that man is everything I've ever wanted. I cant help I'm bipolar & I care a lot for him, it's time for me to step up & start treating my man how he's supposed to or he will leave me & I know that. but don't you think I ALREADY KNOW THIS? You don't need to go on my ask on ANON and say it, grow a pair & say it to my face. PLEASE, it would make my day. Clearly I fucking know I create a lot of drama with my boyfriend, I stay out of drama with school, everyone is a brat or a douchebag in ap, I focus on myself & my boyfriend that's it, & I need to not be so emotionally wrapped up with love, so thank you for telling me shit I already know & other stuff that is just pointless like fucking my boyfriend yesterday. you're immature & a waste of my time. Anyways, just don't worry about my life, Austin loves me & I love him just as much, maybe even a little more. He's put up with my craziness so he's a keeper, just don't worry about my life please, thank you very much for you're opinion, very NOT helpful. have a goodnight

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Awww you know how to count? Okay, 1. Bitch you guys are together then apart not stop all day. 2. I did fuck him why would I lie? He's not too big either. 3. God you're just super stupid. Fuckin smile for once and not look like a miserable bitch. I'll fight you when schools back pussy.

You're seriously making me laugh rn

Bitch you can't kick anyones ass shut the fuck up. Stop trying to put out that you're tough cause you aren't pussy. And if you don't like it suck it up you the retard that made this account, oh and I fucked your bf yesterday. ;)

You're making me laugh. 1, I'm not trying to act tough, I'm stating the obvious. 2, really? how pathetic are you? seriously, "I fucked your bf yesterday. ;)" c'mon how immature are you. You act like it's going to bother me, if you had that much of an attention to fuck my boyfriend and be proud of it then you would tell me off anon or to my face to get more of a reaction out of me, and my boyfriend wouldn't cheat so nice try, that was real cute :p

And you're retarded. ;)

Wanna tell me who you are or are you just going to continue being on anon bc you're too much of a puss to call me a bitch, cunt. retard, & stupid to my face? ;) but oh right, it's an anonymous website so that's what it's for but it just proves you're a pussy to use this website as an excuse to put people down & not be able to say it in person cause you might get ya ask kicked. I got you ;)

That was when I just saw it cunt. Fucking retard. Look in a book for once, instead of an infested cock.

You're annoying me

What is Albert Einstein famous for then? Cüñt

Albert Einstein formulates Special Theory of Relativity. He established law of mass- energy equivalence; through his famous formula E=mc².


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