
Catherine Decker

Ask @giiiirllovexxx

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If you know that then you wouldn't cut.... but whats wrong? I never get why people cut, I think it's just wrong THERE ARE better ways to deal with bad day or a bad life and people just result in self harming theit body and killing themselves. It's sickening :(

Uhm, I don't live with my parents. I live with my sister, & have been for 8 or so years now. My mom is an alcoholic & she'll never stop, she's been back & forth in hospital's bc she's drank too much. She would get her stomach pumped then be on her way home & she'll drink some more when she gets home. She drinks every day all day, (literally). She's been back & forth with shelters, she even lived on the streets for some quite some time. My dad just bluntly does not give a fuck about me or anyone. It hurts knowing I have parents that just don't care. They don't call me, they don't say they love me or they miss me. When I do visit them, my mom is always wasted & I never can have a real conversation with her, bc we both do not know what to say. my dad left us when my mom went into a hospital for a week bc she almost passed away, he went & lived with his girlfriend for I believe a year. I've been living with my sister since I've been 8, I'm 16 now about to be 17 in October. I don't really see my other family members as much as I would like. My sister, works everyday all day so I'm alone everyday. I fight with my boyfriend everyday to the point where I'm crying so hard I give myself headaches & I cut. 2 days before my 15th birthday I got into trouble for having sex with an 18 year old. I was raped by a boyfriend, I lost my brother Charles when I was 10. I don't really have much friends anymore, everyone drifts from me. I wish I was prettier, I wish I had more things, I'm bipolar, & depressed. I don't have it half as bad as others but I still am depressed, I feel like I disappoint my sister all the time, I feel bad for her putting her life on hold just to raise me & take care of my other family members & she always has a way of reminding me of that everyday. I have my reasons for cutting, I could have It worse, but I am unhappy with myself.

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Why? you shouldn't do that, there's better things to do to relieve stress and anger and sadness

Yes I know that lol but thanks I guess. & it's bc of my sorta boyfriend & I've been depressed for like 8 ina half years now

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Have you ever cut, honestly? I know this is weird of an anonymous to be asking but I'm just curious

Sadly, I have

Hi I don't know you, but I love how you think, I completely agree with you 100%. Best wishes to you & you're love!

Thank you so much I appreciate it !!

You're right but all my boyfriends came back after I made them jealous. Idk, some guys are different I guess, as well as girls. I was just trying to cheer you up sorry..

Then you really don't know love or how to respect someone's feelings anon. But whatever, I'm not going to go back & forth, It's you're life not mine.

Why haha I would I mean shit if my bf is gonna do that shit im gonna make him jealous. fuck that

He'll come to his senses very soon, I don't have to talk to other guys to get his attention. That's what girls don't understand, if you're going to break up then start talking to someone else he is going to do the same shit right back. & what does that solve? Nothing. It just makes you both pissed & jealous asf. I love Austin and I'll never stop, It's just a stupid little fight but I'm tired of being the first one to be missing him & say I'm sorry. he wants me, he can come to me. But no, what you're thinking is completely retarded no offence. You just make it worse by making the other person jealous.

He's a dick. be single or a few days talk to guys, he'll come back

Nah I'm not going to be talking to guys

Tf happened

He lied to me lastnight & I wanted a dam apology today and he didn't give me one. So he sits there being pissed, saying if this is how I'm gonna be then he'll leave and won't come back. & I said call me if you actually wanna know why I'm so pissed & he doesn't wanna so whatevsss. this bitch is single

im a very sweet guy and I will make sure you know your always wanted.

Lol, I bet ! I'm sorry you sound like an amazing guy but I already found the guy I want to be with & let take care of me.

I'll shower u with presents everyday, ill cook dinner for you every night, i'll buy you roses and make sure you know you're the most beautiful girl in this world. i'll make love to you every night, never let you buy or pay for ANYTHING, ill always listen to you and protect you

Dawwww, that's so sweet lol


Language: English