

Latest answers from Heather

What are you up to on here

Just passing time I guess. Trying to work some shit out in my head and maybe make a friend or two . You?

I love you ! Can you say it without feeling it ? I don’t … I mean it !

If you feel it you should always show it. I don't understand people who try to hide there love. To me if someone is not wanting to show there feelings for you them they don't have the right to say it. Especially if they just say it for whatever selfish reason they are lieing about it.

You call yourself “a strong woman” lol please you don’t know how to be a real person. You handled most of your problem by ghosting and going on road trips

I don't call myself anything. And as far as road trips I wish. And some things can't be changed or undone and something gs comebinvtjere own due time

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