
hannah kate

Ask @hannnnnnnnnnaaaahhh

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You talking to anyone of the other sex that makes you really happy?

My girlfriend has a fanny n she's all the happiness I'll ever need so nah but same sex yaaaas

Last inbox, text, snapchat, phone call, kiss?

inbox - jess
text - taylor
snapchat - fuck knows
phone call - Kane
kiss - taylor

Have you ever been in a situation on a bus trip where both you and a friend were dying to pee?

probably, I dunno it's been a long time since I've not had a license hahaha
Liked by: maria eden


baby giiiiiirl!
I fucking adore you, every time I'm with you I'm non stop pissing myself laughing
you're such an easy going, bubbly, funny, gorgeous soul n' I miss you way too much, see me asap pls
oh, and attractive of course 😈😚 mwah love you

do you have an older brother? if so, you got any suggestions on how to get bros to back off, when they put you in a headlock?

you ask people this all the time, like y


Language: English