
hannah kate

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damn you have some nice legs.. id love to wear them as earmuffs one day and eat you out all night long

What.... The.. Fuck

Cutest couple you know?

hmm, I know a couple but I can't really think of any off the top of my head except for tree and jesse!

Oh shit really that's heaps good! I didn't even know where you got them from I've just seen people with them and I've been like what I've been in every shop and haven't seen them aha, so thank you!

seriously!? they have different types too that aren't such a fluffy cotton but they're $10 with any purchase!
I've seen them in a couple of places now actually but yeah! I've wanted one for ages and they're so comfy and fluffly and ahhhh, love them! hahahha :) welcome!

Where did you buy your scaff from that's in your dp? Is it on of them ones that are joined? :)

cotton on! :) they're originally $20 but if you buy like a $1 nail polish or any purchase they're only $5! so fucking good

Thank you for the list its very long but I like it and you are beautiful and one day he will protect you and he will play with your hair until you fall a sleep and one day surly he will be there for you to cry in his arms all day or night if you needed it. I might be that guy one day because I do li


I know you do respect to that but just answer how would you like him to be?

okay, fine.
i'd like him to be himself. I know that might sound stupid, but if he wasn't 100% himself around me i'd feel like it wasn't a real relationship.
he'd be quirky, cute, and sensitive, but not too sensitive. he'd love my eyes, my smile, my hair, my body, he'd love me for me for who I am from head to toe, inside and out.
he'd surprise me to take me out on cute dates, just to remind me i'm special to him and worth the effort.
he wouldn't talk to me 24/7 when i'm not with him, because he understands a certain amount of space is important.
he'd be strong, and wrap me in his arms and play with my hair until i'd fall asleep. he'd stay awake just to lay on my chest and listen to my heart beat while I sleep like it was the most precious thing.
he'd tell me all his secrets, and i'd tell him all of mine. he'd be my best friend.
he wouldn't care if I was in trackies and a hoodie with no makeup on or my hair up.
he'd kiss me on the forehead to say goodbye, and wake me up by pulling me in close to him with loads of kisses and a 'goodmorning baby' because nothing makes me smile more.
he'd stay home with me some weekends instead of going out to get drunk all the time just to watch movies with me and eat icecream or bake cookies and brownies and shit like that, we'd do cute and silly things like give each other piggy backs while sliding across the tiles in our socks, and we'd take silly photos.
he'd be the kind of guy who's not girly at all but still shows a side where he'd do things with me just because it's what I wanted to do. we'd lay out under the stars on summer nights and share stories about our lives. he'd kiss me when i'm mad, and he'd never be rude to make me feel like i'm worthless.
he'd respect that I have guy friends, and he'd give me privacy but protect me no matter what. he'd remind me that i'm beautiful, but not all the time because he would know I never believe it, he'd make sure I know i'm his only girl and make me feel safe when im scared.
he'd accept that I have flaws and insecurities, but eventually he'd fall in love with them too because they are what make me who I am.
if ever I was crying, he would lay in bed with me all day or all night while I cry in his arms, he'd wipe away my tears, and he'd tell me everything was going to be okay, but he wouldn't just be saying it, he'd mean it because he'd do anything to make me smile.
and that's just it, he would make me smile, because if a boy can make me smile when i'm at my worst emotionally, that is why I would be with him.
he wouldn't have to try to do all these things either, because it'd be the kind of relationship where its all easy and comes naturally to do these things generally because he wants to.
he'd make me feel special, and i'd love him for it.

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