

Ask @hellhulk

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How would you describe your perfect sandwich?

A slice of vegetable cheese crushed between a couple slices of bread
Levelled by mozzarella cheese and a leaf of lettuce
Is a sandwich best eaten with ketchup and mayonnaise
Liked by: Ethan

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Did you ever fall asleep in school?

No never
School is for fun not for bullshit activities that do nothing but waste time
Liked by: Ethan

What's the best dating advice you have?

Don't go on a date
Bing single is the best date because its with you and totally you
Liked by: Ethan

Do you have a person that you trust to whom you tell your secrets?

I have one but still I don't like sharing my secrets with anyone, even my shadow
Liked by: Ethan

Do shooting stars have the power to fulfill wishes?

I have never tried yet but I think I totally depends on your belief
Liked by: Ethan

What kind of pet would you like to have in the future?

A horse
Most dependable and realistic creatures ever made
Liked by: Ethan

Are you spiritual or religious in any way? If so, how?

No I am not
According to me religion do give u hope but makes you dependant and limits you
Liked by: Ethan

What is (or was) your favorite class in school?

Not really any grade was my favourite particularly
I always looked at the girls to determine the rating of my or any class
I mean they make a class
They study ,they score, they behave
We are just known as a bunch of freak geniuses
Liked by: Ethan

What can melt your heart?

I have a broken slate of blood in place of heart
Waiting for the girl with the glue to repair it
Liked by: Ethan


Language: English