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Please help my page be noticed! I am trying to help others with hard situations. Thank you!!!! Stay strong everyone! :)

okay honey<3

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I like this guy and I know that he likes me back because he has said himself he does but the problem is my family and his uncles family hate eachother which also means his family hates mines. We are secretly seeing and I know this sounds similar to the shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet but honestly

It doesn't matter make yourself happy x

Omg thank u for the help it made a difference if I ever have a problem ur da first person I will go to ur my idle (I did the friend one and my bf)

Good babe xx

Help I have a bf and he said not to tell any 1 that we were dating and I was walking home from school and my friend said ru dating any one and I said yes but she guessed it rite and I blushed and she is a blabber mouth and I'm scared he will break up with me HELP!!!!

tell her she is not to tell anyone if shes a good friend she will listen, and if he likes you enough he wont care, why would he want to hide it anyway? your perfect<3

So basically I like a guy but he's got a girlfriend but before the schools went on holiday he said that me and him are friends with benefits and I don't know what to do can you help

as you said he has a girlfriend so be careful! he might completely have a different view of the situation than you! try forget about him and if he comes after you then message me again:)<3
Liked by: Adriana x

Hi . I was getting change at school and suddley his girl. Was speading rummours Bout me abd i actully did nothing. What shall i do

what was this rumor?<3

How to make a beautiful bun ? :)

put your hair up in a high ponytail then backcomb it so you can shape it, then put a band around it<3
Liked by: Viiic

I have a boyfriend but these other guys are all into me and I dunno what to do :/ Help me. He doesn't know and the guys that like me are my best friends so I feel really awkward now...... HELP :(

well you do have a boyfriend so if you have any feelings for the other guys finish with him and decide who you like more<3

Hi theres this boy who likes me and i like him too. But suddley he want to break up this relationtip with me and im getting upset. He hasnt told me but people has. He is always trying to tell me but he doesnt know how. What shall i do?

tell him you know, ask him why and tell him you love him.
if you really love eachother you will put eachothers happiness first<3

my friend is in a really dark place and i can't reach him to help him, face to face, how do I help him?

read the book men are from mars woman are from venus,,
it tells us when boys go into dark places you need to let them come out it their self or your pushing them away.. keep asking him if hes ok but dont constantly be around him.. let him know that you want to be a good friend by telling him he can come to you.. other than that theres nothing else you can do im afraid but he will be fine<3

hey there's a girl who i like and she knows that i like her but she doesn't feel the dame, how do I change that or how do i move on?

try moving on, listen to songs that describe your situation and think that your worth more and that she doesnt deserve you! your amazing and you will find a girl who will see that one day:)<3

omg your so amazing with your advice!! id love to know who you are but woww i will defo recommend you!x

aw thank you babe!<3

This boy asked me out I loved him!! I said no! Now he goes out with my best friend and know I wished I said yes, what should I do tell him? Or?..

you should yeah but dont try to break them up because remember this is your bestfriend!
let him deal with it and let him choose..
but always remember bestfriends should come before boys<3!


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