
Mariyah Garcia

Ask @hey_its_Mariyah

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FUCK YOU FOR SAYING THOSE AWFUL THINGS TO HER. What an immature, vain, shallow idiot. Get on her level. People like you make me want to throw up. People like you make me ashamed for this world. She's beautiful, and there's nothing that you can say that will make her think she is ugly. Goodbye.

Haha oh maya.. What can i saaay? <3
Liked by: Maya

s a douchebag. He makes me want to stab someone in the throat. But you need to leave her alone, build a bridge, and get the fuck over it. And get the fuck over yourself. Also why are you typing all ghetto you don't sound cool sorry it took me so many tries to type the whole thing bYE

Ahahahahsjfodjdpfnso ur the best person in the whole world!! Text me babe!
Liked by: Maya

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better, she could've done better. And how dare you bring up money. You are so fucking shallow! Do you really think she gives a shit about what an idiotic guy thinks about her? Mariyah is a beautiful, caring, sweet person, and if you can't see that, it's you're loss. Connor fucking played her and wa

Thank u! U have no idea how much i love u right now!
Liked by: Maya

Okay. Whoever the fuck is harassing my babe about her personal life. Grow. The. Fuck. Up. And stop acting like you're all that. That just proves what a dick you are. What happened between her and Connor is solely her business, not yours. And excuse meee? This girl got class. He couldn't have done

Awww maya i love u! Ur the best!!! (but u didnt finish) ;) Thanks babe
Liked by: Maya

No shIt but I'm defending him nowlol

Haha y? Im just saying he was a bad boyfriend. Ive had better. This isnt ur fight k?

Ha lol I'll be pretty far I have god grades I already have a job.. if I sold my house I could pay a months rent foe ur house.. XD..... I make more money in a month then u have made in 3 years.. and u are really sensitive btw lol.. I'm out don't bother answering this question.. cuz I'm not ganna wai

Oh dont worry ill answer this. Ya um i have good grades to? So does everyone. That doesn't define what kind of person u r. ya and i have a job to. And i also find it pretty sad that ur house could only pay for a months rent of mine.. Plus we own this house soo..

One more thing.

Since ik who this is r u going to forget all that shit u said about connor? Dont pin this all in me. U havent been so nice either :)

Omg lol.. u wanna know who is saying stuff about Connor being a good friend .. it's me and others.. he shouldn't have dated u lol.. he can do so much better.. lol well we both can do. We both made the same mistake.. and ps.... Connor sweet talks cuz he's a nice guy and that's how he shows it get o

No kidding i wish he hadnt dated me. This shit adds unwanted drama in my life. And when u have a gf, u dont fuckin 'sweet talk' other girls because thats not ok. Oh and thanks now ik who u r :) but we'll all just see were u both and ur 'so much better girls' are in a few years. Cuz i can guarantee u wont be very far.

If you were going to do karaoke tonight, what song would you sing?

In the end,.or royals. Thats the shit right there.


So to whoever was saying all that shit about connor. U know what i noticed? He tells a whooole lotta girls the exact same thing. Like how pretty and funny and amazing they r and how he would date them. How come he never said anything like that to me? Answer me that. Oooooh and to all the girls he continuously flirts with.. Dont fall for the sweet talking. Its not genuine.

Ppl should stop getting on this page it's boring and their is only drama. Fuck lol



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