
juno pogi

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whats it like, studying lit? so jealous

honestly fucking stressful. i can't even justify it with saying "it's okay i like reading naman" because you eventually come to a point where you can't even properly read the novels assigned to you because 3 300+ page novels in 5 days, each with its own 50+ point quiz, srsly? it's like when you just ordered good food but then ur boss calls you for an emergency so you have to eat it so fast you can't even taste it.
conversely, there's also lit theory which, while fun, can be quite frustrating. not because it's hard (not saying it isn't!!! just saying it's frustrating for entirely different reasons) but because it destroys ur humanity. or maybe this is just me. i'm still in the process of escaping its pessimism, the paralysis of analysis. it's like i'm about to check out of a shitty hotel but i'm stuck in the lobby because they're still checking the room i used or whatever.
idk i'm probs not making sense because i'm working on my thesis right now which just destroys you, mentally, emotionally, physically, even socially. FUCK!!!

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You've become boring na

what? i've always been boring :---(
although i'm assuming you're referring to the general lack of shots fired from my twitter this year aka me tryna be a nicer person with less rage, and if you are, yeah that's what's happening. i think i'd rather be boring than go crazy, and crazy is what i defo would have ended up as if i didn't start actively reducing my rage. \:D/

I don't think it was the right game to put Medusa mid though. Not with their line-up.

I think it would've worked if Puppey camped Sumail longer, but hey, Puppey's puppey. He probably knew what he was doing/drafting.

What the problem with C9???? What would you change to make it better???

Okay, Misery out 9001 in. Joke lang.
Serious answer: I actually like the recent changes to their roster. As much as I love Pie and Aui and the way they split the map like no other support duo could, Misery and BDN are just so much more active early game. Basically, no to roster change.
Idk, C9 has only two modes of playing: really well, or really clowny. Some days they're all on and they're honestly the best team in the world when they're firing on all cylinders, but some days, usually pag finals, they take turns choking. How do you fix consistency? Isdk. But I love it anyway haha.

What good reason would there have been to put Medusa mid in the first place?

Usually you do it to secure her farm since she benefits a lot from high ground protection. Honestly, I'm not sure either, I think they wanted her to get her levels fast so they could push on the back of an early stone gaze, but all it did was keep their lanes static.

What do you think Sumail did well against Artour?

Artour has definitely been underperforming this tournament.
Putting that aside, there is actually no way for Medusa to punish Sumail's greedy Tinker. Honestly, Arteezy didn't lose that lane, his team did. Not enough rotations (although how do you rotate to gank when ur midlaner doesn't really have that much to offer aside from a hardly-reliable Mystic Snake). I think Puppey should have stacked more for Artour.


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