
Belle Burns

im really looking forward to Book 2!!! was it difficult to write the last two chapters when Bri put up the barrier and told them to leave?? is it normal to feel awkward when writing the cheesy bits and the heroic bits?? i try experimenting with writing random heroic stuff and i often felt awkward...

Rachel Greenley
Actually no. The plot in my head has the ending set already but the hardest part for me is how to actually write it. It is awkward for me to write bedscenes rather than cheesy lines. Hahaha I even have to ask a friend if it's obvious that they did it. But the heroic stunts. I listen to battle or action music in youtube to help me write and to think.
Liked by: Rachel Greenley
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Latest answers from Belle Burns

an example of a major decision in your life?

Prioritizing my career OVER the things that truly make me happy.

Where are you from? What languages do you speak? (For me:??Deutsch, English and very very little nihongo)

Hiligaynon, Tagalog, (a bit of) Akyanon,Cebuano & Spanish, and English

When was the last time you laughed so hard you were crying?????????

We have a Chinese guest relations in the hotel and one of my colleagues was listening to her convo with a Chinese guest. When they left he went to ask her if “Èr lóu” means second floor and she nodded her yes. After a few minutes, I was watching a Chinese couple converse in front of me. They were like fighting over whether to ask me where a certain area is in the resort when my colleague burst out of nowhere and said “Èr lóu? Èr lóu? Èr lóu?” And I laughed so hard in my desk until the couple went away.
I mean he does not know what the guest was supposed to ask and her burst all of the sudden beside the couple and the couple was like “whaaat???” Hahaha

Language: English