

I've read the visual novel and already watched the anime too.. you know when Okabe was sick and all that, but I just wanted a deep explanation coming from you

Well, I'm not sure I can provide more context to it. I don't see it as a psychotic break at all, given the circumstances. He adopted the facade for Mayuri in the first place, and uses it as a way to make up for his own insecurities and social issues.
You see him drop the facade when he gets stuck in the attractor field loops with Mayuri's death, or the Suzuha route for example (both of which I would say caused him severe mental anguish and distorted his personality such that he sort of breaks from the chuuni thing). He is entirely capable of dropping the act, but in contrast, he deliberately plays it up when he tries to hide his real feelings and due to his own social awkwardness.
That said, he's definitely paranoid (even if it turned out to be true) and eccentric. There's no real denying that. Hopefully that's a bit closer to what you were looking for.

Latest answers from dokupe

Did you work at pony canyon from the very beginning?

Beginning of what exactly?
Well, to hopefully answer your question, I started helping out part-time in early February 2015 or so, then moved to full-time in August. I moved back to America this August, and I'll be helping out part-time again soon.

What does that mean the third volume was canceled? is it gonna be released later, or is volume 2 the last?

The release was canceled. That's all we know. Might have just been in an effort to focus on the upcoming VN instead.

Are you still living in Japan? Or did you leave it?

I left at the end of August. Spent the full three years of my visa there. Now I'm back home for the time being, taking time to readjust to life here and get set up.

Are you looking forward to Occultic;Nine?

Absolutely. I have the novels, but now that the third volume was canceled, it's exciting all new territory for the anime.

What's your studio?

Ah, I don't work at an animation studio. I work at Pony Canyon, a producer, publisher, and distributor for things like anime, movies, music, light novels, manga, etc. Though the vast majority of my work is related to anime, translation, licensing, promotion, and so on, as the rest are different departments.
I also do some work for Exit Tunes, the music publisher, but that's mostly minor stuff.

Loved the podcast with Steiner man, that was some good chemistry you guys had, make sure to bring him back ASAP.

He'll be back again at some point for sure. I want all my guest co-hosts to be recurring too. Thanks for listening!

I'm not sure about that. Are you working for the anime industry?

Not sure about what? And yes, I do.

Language: English