

Ask @iamwhoiam92

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What do you think was the best movie of the year?

Not sure, I can't really remember but I guess it would have to be fast and furious 6.

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What's the best thing that happened to you today?

Lol Nuthin, I got sum money I guess. It's not a lot but that's it.

How to make a woman happy?

Lol depends, were different just like every guy is different. Sum women r simple like I am or they want everythin to be happy, I guess give then flowers once in awhile, like there favorite flower with a box or sum of there favorite chocolate or candy, a dozen of roses or even just one. Show them how much they mean to u. It's very simple to make a women happy (: suprise them once in awhile.

What makes you strong?

God, me knowin that he will always be there for me and will never leave me. My friends that keep me goin. But I'm not gonna say I don't have my days where I Wanna just give up cuz i do. I just try to think positive when i start to think negative. Gotta have motivation.

Are you afraid of people?

Of course, there's a lot to be afraid of. I barely trust pple. And they always tend to hurt u in sumway or in the end. Pple will stab u in the back just to look cool.

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

Lol not sure, that's a hard question.

What are some of the first things you do in the morning?

Check my phone for the time and everythin, then go to the bathroom.

If you could go back in history, who would you like to meet?

That's a hard question, there was a lot of good pple. Like Abraham linkcon, hairette tubman, mlk, Rosa parks, and more.

Who is your most hated celebrity?

Lol not sure I don't pay attention to them but I guess will fairwell, idk y but he just bugs me like he's annoyin.

What do you think people think of you?

Not sure and i kinda don't care Wat pple think of me Cuz they can think w.e they want but it doesn't make any of Wat they say or think is true. Pple like to lie to get a reaction from other pple and to make them seem Cool but in reality there not.


Language: English