
fuck u

Ask @iitzMeBaaby

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what makes u smile? and what makes u mad?

I've been waiting for this question for so long.
1. My class.
2. Guys make me mad. Not all guys though. Only the ones who like society-approved girls. I mean girls who are skinny, pretty, popular, smart. Normal. I know so many fucking girls who are beautiful but have never had a boyfriend because no guys like them. Because 'their weird'. Fuck you. Being weird is fun. Trying to act perfect all the fucking time is boring and stupid. Some guys need to get their head out of their ass, open up their fucking eyes and see that there are so many great girls who aren't perfect. Sorry we can't all be fucking perfect. Sorry there's always going to be a girl who's prettier. Skinnier. Smarter. Just better I guess. Honestly it sounds so ridiculous but guys who have 'perfect girlfriends' disgust me. I hate them with all my heart. I can't even explain this. Guys are idiots. lol fuck all the guys who left you for someone better. They just have you the opportunity to find someone better as well<3. #kisskiss

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Liked by: Vivian Cynical_Diana

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what do you think of yourself?

I'm the type of person who doesn't care about popularity or likes on pictures. I just wanna have fun with friends. Find a guy who means alot to me. Spend my teen years the way I want to spend them. I don't think I'm pretty but I know that I'm not ugly. I don't think I'm smart but I know that I'm not stupid. I'm just me. Annd I don't give a fuckkkk about anyone else's opinion (:

top 5 guys top 5 girls and thoughts on them

**Idk if I understand this question**
Top 5 guys;
-Crocodilly; We have so many great memories & he's so amazing<3
-Craig; He's the type of guy that would treat a girl right. He always makes me laugh & I can trust him.
-Anthony; I tell him alot & I trust him completely. He's really funny & sweet.
-Desmond; he always makes class entertaining . He's so funny & completely trustworthy.
-Christian; He's very emotionally strong and I trust him but we haven't been talking thy much lately.
Top 5 girls;
-Lauryn; She's amazing I loove her to death . She's HILARIOUS and so pretty !
-Diana; She's very strong . Emotionally AND physically . Sooo pretty . And fit af(; lol dkm. Idgafn:b
-Shannon; we've been through so much. We have great memories&I get so jealous of her sometimes -.-
-Shearyce; she's like perfect -.- sooo funny . I loove her laugh omgee :') I can trust her with anything.
-Angelica; dayuum she can dance loool . She's so pretty like fucking perfect -.- I can trust her with alot.

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name people you hate in grade 7 and be honest!

lool ,
Certain people who need to shut daa fuck up during Drama class.
A certain person who deleted me off Facebook. Like bitch I know you did it. I know your French-ass deleted me. Imma find out where you live andd imma get my girrrrrls Latoya & Shaniqualica annd we gon fuckk you up.
Certain people who get into my buisness.
Certain people who smell reaaaaally fucken gross.
And probably ,

anything on ur mind?

Yes ,this bitch who keeps telling EVERYBODY I talk shit. Like hoe keep going. I fucking dare you bitch. Two can play at your pathetic game but imma play that shit the right way && imma tell the TRUTH. I promise you EVERYONE who you've ever talked shit about will know. Keep playin with me cunt.

Whatchaaa doin??

Getting a lecture , for putting fruit gushers in a fruit roll up thing && rolling it like a blunt pretending to smoke it ........... :D
Liked by: Shannon Vivian

Show ur ask followers 1 of ur peoms..... -_-

How bout I show you a dictionary bitch. <3 jk .
Here's the first poem I've ever written. It's not very good so dkm;
She constantly lies about being okay.
But will anyone see through her?
See how she just wants to get away.
Get away from everything.
The lies, the betrayal, the fights.
She doesn't want to do this anymore.
She's been crying herself to sleep for the past countless nights.
She'll never admit to herself she's depressed.
She'll never admit she's not happy.
She'll keep saying 'I just need some rest'
We all know its not true.
Why do you choose to ignore her pain?
Because you haven't thought about what it'd be like if it happened to you.
Liked by: Vivian Shannon

So u like Javil Jadon joe or josh.....

EWWWW NO THANK YOU. I mean ... Their all nice guys (kinda) but just... Not my type:) except Javil... He's a cutiee JUST. SAYINGG. ;$


Language: English