
fuck u

Ask @iitzMeBaaby

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That sleepover @ Shannon's place when we were singing songs and laughing and calling random people waaass the best!


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Where do you see yourself five years from now?

Home (; jk I don't fucken know. I'm not raven. Dammmmn ,btw didn't she kill herself or something ? Or she don't like boys if you catch my drift ......? I swear something happened to her .... O.o I haven't heard of her in a while or the kid who played Cory ... Is he cute now ? I hope so .. I'm around his age (; looool dkm. But Jaden Smith. DAYUUUUUM <3 oouuff I'd tap that ...... Woaah ,I just realized I'm supposed to be answering a question ...... lol I think I have A.D.D .. Or A.D.H.D idk the difference dooe O.o OMG stay on topic.... K I see myself graduating ..... I hope ... ;o
Liked by: ❤️OVOXO❤️

whats with "no comment"

What's with you not minding your own damn business? :$$
I just have nothing to say about them. I'm not saying their ugly ,cus they isn't. but I just don't like their personality or they have a girlfrieend or I'm not speaking to one of them.
Liked by: Shannon

What is your favorite part of the day?

In the morning when nobody's awake but you can hear the birds chirping & the suns just coming out in the summer. Or when the sun's setting... In the summer. (:
Liked by: Vivian

Have you ever goten hate from ask before?

Yea , who hasn't ? If your stupid enough to make an ask .. Your gunna get hate. :b


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