

I love the way you think, probs.. I recommend a book, a really good one titled "blue like jazz" it'd be a perfect book for someone like you.. I guess:/ AND if you do find it in Indonesia pleasee do tell where'd you get that book because I'm dying to get that book and never got the chance to find it!

That last sentence -__-
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Latest answers from indoprobs

been missing your tweets lately, just saying. you were one of my biggest Twitter crush. ☹️ #indoprobsdontdie

Aww, bby. Cheer up.

Mana yang kamu pilih, bisa bernapas di dalam air atau berjalan di awan?

Since I'm not really a fan of swimming and I'm afraid of the darkness at the bottom of the ocean, berjalan di awan would be pretty cool.
Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, lebih useful bernapas di dalam air sih ya. Kayak, ngapain kita jalan di awan? Ke awannya aja susah, harus naik pesawat dulu. Terus belum tentu dibolehin kalo mau keluar dari pesawat.
Lol. Bingung.

tes pakek perawatan wajah apa? kok mulus gak pernah ada jerawat

Genetik, mas. Cuci muka pake air bersih aja setiap hari.

Prob, if one day sayang banget sama orang yang beda agama, kamu akan mau pindah agama gak ?

Duh, itu tentang paham dan perasaan. Jangan dikaitin.

Language: English