

lo kan suka stupid, ada stupid moment ga kmrn pas interview mas2 import?

sheriffben’s Profile PhotoBenasher
HAHAHAHAH sialan. Ada banyak, Ben.
Stupid moment #1:
Gue nyiapin bahan interview setengah mati. Pertanyaannya jadi semua. Gue hafal. Siap. Masuk ruangan interview. Liat 4 bule. Baru nyadar gue hafal namanya tapi kaga hafal mukenye sama sekali! HAHAHA geblek juga gue ternyata.
Stupid moment #2:
Interviewing Roger:
*Eller van Buuren, Pedro del Mar, and Inger Hansen were there*
Me: Hi, Roger. How are you?
Roger: Good, how are you?
Me: I'm fine, just a bit tired. Haha. First question!
I litterally reflek ngomong peler gak pake p karna dari di kamar George udah nyebut nama dia begitu mulu! Keceplosan.... Sedih kakaaa :''''')
Note: In case lo gak tau, what made it funny that I laughed so hard was mukanya Roger Shah itu beneran kayak tukang gebukin orang.
Stupid moment #3:
Gue lupa pertanyaannya, jadi salah dikit. Terus jawabannya Roger halu! Jauh banget sama harapan gue, sinjing.
Harusnya "what has been the most unforgettable moment of your career?" terus malah jadi "what has been the most unforgettable moment of this year?"
Doi jawabnya the World Cup. Hahaha bodo amat lah ya. Gak nyambung sama sekali sama eventnya. Gue tulis aja entar. Bodo.
Note: He's German.
Stupid moment #4:
I planned to greet Eller in Dutch but I totally forgot so, yeah, gak jadi mamer gue, Ben.
Stupid moment #5:
van Buuren always cut my questions -_-
Me: Hello, Eller.
Eller: Helloooo
Me: So, dude, I'm just gonna ask you a few questions, okay?
Eller: Can I be the one asking you a couple of questions?
Me: Hahaha. Sure, why not.. (I thought he was joking)
Eller: What was your name again?
Me: *answer censored*
Eller: So, what magazine are you working for, *insert my name*?
Me: *answer censored*
Eller: Oh, is that like an Indonesian magazine?
Me: Um, yeah. It's actually from Singapore, but we have it here and Malaysia as well.
Eller: Oh, great! So there are gonna be a lot of people reading this.
Me: (I was like "don't say that, you sound desperate.") Hahaha, definitely.
Eller: Cool!
Me: I know, right? So! You're a very talented musician.
Eller: Wow. Really?? Thank you!
Me: (I was like "I'm not done yet -___-") Yeah, really. You have your own music school.
Eller: How did you know?? Yeah, I do!
Me: ("I'm not done, Eller :| Gue ngafalin susah..... Entar gue lupa gimana") AND you teach there as well.
Eller: Woah.. You really know me. Thank you!
Me: *udah begah* *kzl* *mulai nyinyir* Yes, of course. I did my research well. It's my job, remember?
Eller: Oh, right...
Me: *nyadar* *gak boleh nyinyir* *lagi kerja* *harus sopan* *smiles* *be super nice after*
And then masih ada 2 lagi but, udah ngantuk. Mau tidur. Males ngetik. Entar aja dilanjut kalo niat.
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Aww, bby. Cheer up.

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Since I'm not really a fan of swimming and I'm afraid of the darkness at the bottom of the ocean, berjalan di awan would be pretty cool.
Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, lebih useful bernapas di dalam air sih ya. Kayak, ngapain kita jalan di awan? Ke awannya aja susah, harus naik pesawat dulu. Terus belum tentu dibolehin kalo mau keluar dari pesawat.
Lol. Bingung.

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Genetik, mas. Cuci muka pake air bersih aja setiap hari.

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Duh, itu tentang paham dan perasaan. Jangan dikaitin.

Language: English