

Kak probbie, sekarang sdh benar2 jd reporter? Di media apa kl boleh tau? I have a plan to take journalist major for college and then id like to be a reporter soon, so can you tell me more about the bitter sweet things? And things i should prepare from now? (Im a highschool freshman) thanks kakaaa

I work for a magazine, and it's not really the same with working for a newspaper or a tv station. So, you gotta know that all these are based on my (or my friends') experience only. Because I don't know where you're intending to go later on. But I surely hope this answer helps.
The sweet things of working in media:
- You can travel for free.
- If you enjoy writing/photography, just imagine that you get paid for it. The joy of being paid for doing the things you like!
- You get to meet new people and not, at the same time. Because if you work in media every one is connected, from one media company to another. Everyone knows everyone.
- It's like as time flies, everyone is your friend! ....if you socialize well.
- You can get so many knowledge about anything EVERY DAY.
- You're demanded to be aware of what's happening around you. Which is definitely a perk for a lazy person like me.
- Free food, free concert tix, free stuff, all the free stuff........ God.
- The higher position you get, the more respect you'll receive from the client ..and pretty much everyone else. This is kind of a bit of both sweet and bitter, yea? But you'll get there. Just like I will.
- You'll probably be one of the first people to experience many things. Like, when a new restaurant is open and you get invited, and stuff like that. Ever had a rave party on a boat? My boss went to the first It's The Ship last year. It was luxurious. You can tell.
Bitter things:
- Sometimes you're first on the list and the client treats you very, very well. Most of the time you're not, and they treat you like... um, well.
- Once you make a mistake it spreads faster than you ought to expect, so be careful. Cause as I said, everyone knows everyone. Just make sure that you're mentally prepared for that, cause it takes time to prove yourself back again. But, this is very important, always KNOW that you're good enough to fix your mistakes. People fuck up, so what? You'll get through that, sweetheart.
- When your boss wants you to learn/do research about something/someone you have absolutely no interest on? Yeah. That. Like, I was forced to interview a few DJs that I had never heard of, and it was a massive torture for me cause I don't even listen to their kind of music. But it's part of the job. I had to deal with it. Because the bright side is at least you learn something new. Might be useful in the future, who knows?
Okay, I'm a pretty positive person. I could only come up with those 3 so, I'll just jump to the things you should prepare:
- I have mentioned this above; mental. You basically need this no matter what your occupation is, so yeah.
- Practice makes perfect. Read a lot and write a lot. Be original. Get as many knowledge as you can. You don't actually need a diploma to prove yourself. If you wanna learn it the proper way, go ahead. It's not a crime. But all I'm saying is don't be all stressed out with "the way it should be", you know? Being a little out of the box can be a lot of fun!
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been missing your tweets lately, just saying. you were one of my biggest Twitter crush. ☹️ #indoprobsdontdie

Aww, bby. Cheer up.

Mana yang kamu pilih, bisa bernapas di dalam air atau berjalan di awan?

Since I'm not really a fan of swimming and I'm afraid of the darkness at the bottom of the ocean, berjalan di awan would be pretty cool.
Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, lebih useful bernapas di dalam air sih ya. Kayak, ngapain kita jalan di awan? Ke awannya aja susah, harus naik pesawat dulu. Terus belum tentu dibolehin kalo mau keluar dari pesawat.
Lol. Bingung.

tes pakek perawatan wajah apa? kok mulus gak pernah ada jerawat

Genetik, mas. Cuci muka pake air bersih aja setiap hari.

Prob, if one day sayang banget sama orang yang beda agama, kamu akan mau pindah agama gak ?

Duh, itu tentang paham dan perasaan. Jangan dikaitin.

Language: English