
dyke mom

Vad är ditt mål i ditt liv ? 😕🤔🤔

Ärligt talat bara att hitta någon sorts balans mellan att tjäna lite mer än bara exakt vad jag behöver och ändå ha tillräckligt med fritid för att känna mig tillfredsställd.
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Latest answers from dyke mom

What? Mimmi had paw cancer? I didn't know omg

Yeah she did. She had a growth on her paw for like a /really/ long time but it never seemed to bother her, until it started to swell and we noticed she wasn't her usual self. She had trouble jumping up on furniture and seemed uncomfortable, etc. Soooo she had surgery and they got all of it, confirmed it was cancerous, but luckily it hadn't spread from the tumor. And after she got the bandage removed she's been weirdly proud of her paw and is always putting it on display lmao.

How's Mimmi?

She good! Chillin' with her cancer free paw in the air per usual. She's going on vacation with my parents in June and moving in with me in my new apartment after this summer, so I'm happy about that. Hopefully she'll adjust well. ♡

Damn ;p I miss your cosplay ;c Anyway, how's "wife,kids"? :D

And by "miss your cosplay" I take it you mean the one time I wore a cosplay, for less than five hours

You're badass. What's your earliest memory? ILY <3

Thank you boo, I do appreciate this compliment. ❤️ I remember a weird totem pole at the playground where I lived at the age of 3? I don't know if that's the earliest but yeah I have this really strong image of it. And a shirt my neighbor wore because I rly wanted it.

Skulle du kunna förlåta en otrohet?

Been there did not do that som man säger, nej. "Jag var full" är inte en jävla acceptabel ursäkt heller. :-)

Would you prefer to live in the city forever and never leave, or live out in a small village in the countryside forever and never leave?🌃🌇🌄🏞

Stockholm has enough nature for me to get the best of both worlds 👌🏻👌🏻

Vad gör man när människor fortsätter kliva över ens gränser, trots att man visar ogillande och/eller säger ifrån!?

Jag vet inte ärligt talat, jag själv säger till och säger till tills jag blir oresonligt arg och rent ut sagt elak mot personen i fråga. Sen tar det månader att reparera relationen och jag blir sakta men säkert mindre irriterad. Ashamed to admit it. Dåligt för vänskapen, ej att rekommendera, men personen i fråga brukar i alla fall fatta?

Be om hjälp eller göra det själv?

Jag tror att min första hela mening var "kan själv" och det är lite mitt motto

We've talked a lot about it and she told me that she's not attracted to me in that way...We broke up because we've been running the same circles for weeks, and it's bad for my self-esteem... :(

I hope you're doing okay. I don't know what to say besides that, breakups suck. ❤️ Hugs

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