
Austin Jones

Ask @itsaustinjones707

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I love so many songs of his!! Man in the mirror, bad, thriller, human nature, dont care about us, earth song..

He truly was amazing❤️

Imagine if you got into a fight with that ring in your lip,someone could rip it out,then you would be fucking sorry with all the blood and a torn lip.

Once again I like my lip ring I'm not taking it out bruh

Imagine if you got into a fight with that ring in your lip,someone could rip it out,then you would be fucking sorry with all the blood and a torn lip.

Yeah I would but I like it so I'm not going take it out :)

well I would to if I was straight but I'm not, I'm gay so yeah.. But I would stick up for you cause ur nice and I like nice people and nice people are sweet.

Awe thank you!

especially when you get to see them every day

Yeah I have a lot of straight friends and it's really cool because they all stick up for me when people try to talk shit

i agree with that anon you are a pussy time to man up to things and stop been a bitch.

First off I don't do that anymore I was weak at the time. and second who's the real pussy? You hiding behind anon you make me laugh xD

dont fight hate with hate man... Respond with love or just ignore it.. haters arent worth the time or energy

I know I normally don't but people are just so freaking stupid


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