
Rina ♥ Suki

Ask @itstarina

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Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

Both, but I have a hard time thinking of things to ask so I slightly prefer answering them

If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?

I already have my favourite phrases on a tshirt D;

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How many times a day do you visit Ask.fm?

once? twice? I'll keep the tab open for a while though in case I get any questions

Sometimes you complain about your life. People are dying in other, less fortunate places in the world. Stop complaining.

Sometimes you complain about me complaining about my life. People are dying in other, less fortunate places in the world. Stop complaining.

r u good at blowjobs??

yeah I'm really good, this one time we were at the beach, I blew up like 5 rings, a beach ball and a couple of armbands, wasnt even out of breath


Language: English